Prepping - Doom & Gloom?

in #survival7 years ago (edited)

Preppers are often branded with having a negative outlook on life and being crazy. Is this true?


In 2005, I was chugging along in life, working as a cop, being a father to my kids, and doing what most people do with their spare time who hail from Generation X. My existence seemed balanced but I yearned for more financial freedom. That's when I found out about Robert Kiyosaki, USMC Veteran, entrepreneur, and much more.

I read this book:


This book was the beginning for me. I later learned that Robert and his wife were expert preppers, fostered environments conducive to homesteading, and helped millions of people around the world to achieve financial education and freedom.

Becoming self-reliant, independent, and free from a system so deeply ingrained into our psyche will not happen overnight. I believe all Stemmians have this potential because we are pioneers to a new age of social media and cryptocurrency. We have been lied to and stolen from in so many ways that if the majority of the population knew the truth, there would be a violent uprising (which I do not condone) but must point out as a potential consequence.


Prepping is an insurance policy to hedge against negative events. In fact, prepping spans across all socioeconomic classes and has occurred for centuries. Most preppers that I regularly communicate with have a positive outlook on life and help others regularly. In fact, most are perfectly sane and not crazy at all.

I would like to share a video with you to introduce my "Founding Father Of Prepping". As you watch the video, I believe Steemians who are armed with a solid yet flexible strategy will eventually fall into the "I quadrant" because the platform has so much growth potential for many years to come.

Images sources:




Video source:

The Rich Dad Channel on YouTube


I am not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise compensated in any fashion by these sources, however I am a humble Steemian who wishes to bring forth quality content in order to add value to our community.


~ prep4shtf


While I don't believe preppers have a negative outlook on things, there isn't much need to prep if you believe the skies will always be sunny and the harvest will always come in. I think a firm footing in the status of where society is today mixed with a couple of "what if" thought exercises is how a lot of preppers go about their planning.
At the end of the day, the goal is to survive. Which path you take to meet that end is up to every individual. If people want to believe they are going to survive best with fancy clothes and accessories, that's on them. My charity, however, will only go so far to help those who are ignorant of current socioeconomic conditions. Steem on!

Those are great points and thanks for your input. It's true that "what if" scenarios are a great training tool to obtain lessons learned and determine which resources would be best suited to accomplish the mission. I mentioned in one of @teotwawkiman posts, "we are either uncomfortable and alive or comfortable and dead" when referring to after SHTF.

I find that Preppers are more positive regarding life as we make sure we have the skills, knowledge, tools and everything else we could need to want life to continue! Questioning things about the system around us is a sign of mental health and strength and makes use of that which is suppressed in the masses, the ability to think independently and critically. There is nothing wrong with asking a question it's only wrong to suppress the answer and the truth from those asking the questions.

I couldn't agree with you more sir. I enjoyed your post about how you got started in prepping :)

Robert Kiyosaki is the man (and his wife is the Woman, that board game is genius)!

This is an exceptionally great post. I am constantly amazed by cops, I have many as friends, some have been life long friends and many have been people I've met randomly (not knowing), like you, that are just stellar humans.
Keep up the good work, you page is tops.

I am blushing @mamadini. That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me on steemit!

They just released a zombie survival version to the board game!

Awe... :)

Pardon the typo..hehehe

Oh man, I want a cool zombie version. ha.

I found info on it here and in the description:

Thank you. I just saw that on his channel. :)

Thanks for this post. The quadrant was a good visual for me. I remeber as a young kid getting my first pay check, minimum wage of course , and being BLOWN AWAY because i simply did not know hundreds of my hard earned dollars was going to be pulled out of it, stolen from me Boy was I naive. My mom at the time was just like, "oh, you didn't know that? "
Well, no bevause finances aren't taught in school. Its just hammered in that you work hard get your college education and that's that. Well, now at the ripe old age of 29, I have been sitting over in that E quadrant for many a year. And stuck paying all these god damn student loans. Stuck getting each paycheck literallt SHREDDED, I mean when I look at the pre taxed check it is super demoralizing. i despise it.
But i love my job in physical therapy.
How can I still do My job in PT and not get my checks shredded. Answer is, not possible, at least not until/if health care laws seriously change.
I've always felt a profound sense of loss when it comes to the fact that most people are living a lie over in the E quadrant. Some /most don't even get it. It is wash, rinse, repeat with us in the E. I plan to be less in the E and more in the I within the next 5 years. The movement into the I for me will involve steemit and crypto. Good post. Keep it up. Upvoted and resteemed

Thank you very much @chelsea88! The "E quadrant" is where I have been my entire adult life. I missed some opportunities to move completely into the "I quadrant" but the time is now because like you said steemit / crypto are going to be a game changer for many smart people.

The quadrant is good stuff.

I flirted with "I" before but the business wasnt solid enough. We will get there

Thanks for the resteem! I am a new follower of yours.

Awesome. Thanks! !

This is a great post. I'm a prepper too, but to hedge against disasters or large threats. I don't think the world will end, but I think we will all face some kind of disaster in our lifetime. This is great, I really like what Robert is saying and I will look into him more.

It is important to be aware of real threats that we have and our monetary system is one of them. That is one of the reasons that got me into crypto in the first place. Great stuff!

I really appreciate you being a follower and helping our community understand the importance of prepping. Thank you!!! You Rock!

Thanks a million @walkingkeys! I am feeling like Mike...

Great post. Prepping makes me feel more relaxed and I worry a lot less. No doom and gloom here.

Thank you very much @lazyprepper. For me, prepping also brings peace of mind. I still remember the first time I purchased a 72-hour food kit. A severe storm came through. I thought we were going to lose power. Knowing that I had enough "things" to survive for a few days gave me a sense of pride that my family would be taken care of, which is my duty and responsibility.

Great post! Definitely gonna look more into this guys work 👍🏻 Thanks for sharing

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @prep4shtf! For more information, click here!

Nice post! I am just starting to get into prepping a little bit. I would definitely say that the majority of preppers I know and follow have a positive outlook on life. They are prepared for a lot of scenarios, so this generally makes you feel more at ease and less stressed.

Thank you @countrymusing! When I first started, I didn't even realize that I was prepping. It wasn't until my first purchase of emergency food did it hit me that I was actually a bona-fide prepper. There's a definite feeling of security knowing that if a negative event occurred, that my trusted family / friends would have a better chance of surviving. I would have started sooner but hey, hindsight is 20/20 as they say. STEEM ON

You received a 3.03 upvote from @worldclassplayer