I wish I were Ndn. No, I'm a (white Caucasian) Londoner. But Vision Quests and other varieties of these ceremonies/initiations fascinate me.Studying them used to be my hobby! I'm not into the painful variety (there are many of those) but there are so many more e.g. the (extremely valuable) Vision Quest.
Yes, that is a sad hobby indeed, not least because so many types of initiation have been wiped out. The US retains a few thanks to the Ndns, but in Europe, they are nearly all gone. A few remain e.g. in Serbia and some have been revived recently but the idea of marking these very important transitions e.g. into man or womanhood (or, indeed, proving spiritual mettle - see among others Malidoma Some of Burkina Faso) is alas being lost.
I'm not sure how close my interpretation is to @cabelindsay's - that would be for him to decide. But when I saw his post, as I'm sure you will understand, I HAD to comment :)
It’s not sad at all. I’m half NdN and that’s the acronym many of us use. It is not a term used by many people. I’m not sure I would name people of a N8ive tribe in a steemit group, but that’s just me. If you were NdN I was interested to know if you’d thinming in that. Most of my people I know are very cautious about sharing our ways. Fortunately my people are trying to thrive, not allow other cultures effect our and educate the children with our stories verbally in order for things not to be lost.
No worries, regarding your post. It is an interesting thought and it is up to Cabe ultimately.
I just wanted to add that I've watched with dismay (while I was studying these topics) how western academics and anthropologists have plundered yours and other cultures. They have destroyed the ancient wisdom. I believe that in some cases this was the aim. It's just my belief but cultures like NdN hold (and to an extent still hold) some of the secrets to spiritual growth. So yes, it's very important to keep those and pass them down mouth to ear. You are very fortunate to have this heritage and I find it heartening that people are starting to understand. If I'd been in the States, I would have been at Standing Rock :)
This is correct. I mention that in a blog post I did on Mesa Verde about a three weeks ago. We all have a beautiful lineage, where are your roots? I do feel fortunate and not as sad anymore about what happened to my people. We are strong and there has been meaning and sacrifice by many. I’m not an activist nor raised on a Rez.
I'm not sure about my roots. One reason for that is the destruction of many of Europe's indigenous cultures. I know very little about specifics, though - I'm pretty ignorant on the microcosm......I generally look at the overview.
I was able to trace back 1/4 of my ancestry to the Celts. Have you tried? If not, it’s always a personal choice anyway. I have many friends who have special abilities trace their euro lineage far back. It is easier when one can talk to Spirit. Best wishes.
Thank you. Best wishes to you, too - and to Cabe with his great idea (I'll be keeping an eye on it)...:)