Well how hard could it be!
a logo here, some words there,
make a transparent jpeg and send to someone
who claims they can print it on a t-shirt.
Well getting the steemit logo was easy thanks to stino-san.
I am still fond of the "reimagine everything" quote
i heard from bitshares a couple of years ago so i included that.
changed steemit.com to $teemit.com to imply money.
Has a fan of bitshare's had to get powered by bitshares in there (well Graphene)
and i wanted it on the front and back of the t-shirt.
so the driver behind me could see it when i ride around on my scooter.
I took the logo from stino-san's post.
got hold of a Creative Commons t-shirt template by Ben Johnson
fired up Gimp and got to work.
1st i made the steemit logo transparent. (links were not working just took the logo from here )
was going to do 3d effects but this was first attempt.
so kept it simple and just tried a few fonts.
scaled the images and moved them around till i was happy.
remove background so transparent, and export to jpeg.
now off to a shop to have it printed on a t-shirt.
and the results :S
i had to pick a shop that does not know how to print something to a t-shirt.
- they did not use a piece of cardboard to stop the front bleeding into the back or the back bleeding into the front.
- they did not clean what they used to press it onto the t-shirt so its dirty too.
...... well at least i learned my lesson
1.never use these guys again
2.they used a4 sized T-shirt transfer paper.a Vertical design would of be better than Horizontal on the front.
going to go with 'social media has evolved.' for 2nd attempt.
spreadshirt.com is a cool site. just thought I'd share. :)