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RE: Supporting @Centerlink Competition – Week 1 - WIN SBD - supporting #teamaustralia

in #teamaustralia8 years ago

I couldn’t look for a job this week because the governments of Australia are just making it too damn hard…
Its really damn cold here in Queensland, and at least in part this is due to global warming (don’t get me started on why that makes it colder) but maybe it’s some of that American fake news!
Anyway, the point is I couldn’t go for job interviews, cause the Commonwealth Government didn’t sort out this damn climate change stuff at the UN, now the weather is all arse up, and it’s so bloody cold it would freeze the tits off a bull in Townsville!
Even if the Commonwealth got their shit together, (yeah right) I’d still need to get to a job interview…
It’s a good 5 km walk to the nearest public transport from my house, a Queensland Rail station, still I’d probably give it a go, even in this hideous weather.
But the last time I took a Queensland Rail train, let’s just say it didn’t go well… It was over an hour late arriving, which is impressive when my station is only the second stop.
I walked 5 kms on foot and arrived on time! The train travelled 30 kms with an engine, a driver and 2 support staff and was over an hour late (did they push it to help with the global warming effort?!)
Finally, on board I felt a sense of relief (idiot! What was I thinking this is Queensland Transport for god sake…) This, was soon replaced by reality when the train sailed right past my destination!
For this spectacular failure of service, Queensland Rail fares are ridiculously overpriced, considering once you do finally get to your destination, (any job interview you left for was probably over 2 hours ago, leaving a great impression…(yep they’ll believe you when you say the train was late!)) Not…
It’s all good though mate, I gotta back up plan… I can borrow Dad’s 2000 Ford, Fairlane with tinted windows and an air spoiler on the back, with the big V8 engine for job interviews. She’s a bit heavy on the gas, but at least you can get to an interview, in relative safety… ( Or can you?)
We live in a semi rural area and for the past 4 years the main road that leads in and out of our community has been very ‘rough’. It started to go to pieces during the 2011 cyclone and subsequent flooding, this chopped up the roads pretty good.
While we didn’t expect the road would be fixed immediately, community feeling was, in time when the life threatening issues had been dealt with, local government would deal with the serious water damage to this main feeder road. If for no other reason, than so that drivers and their passengers didn’t all end up 6 cms shorter each time they travelled into town from the vibration of bouncing over the holes and corrugations.
Now we’re all kind of laid back up here north of the boarder (ie Queensland) but after 3 or 4 years even we were getting a bit peeved… Nah! There were other cyclones, the regular seasonal floods in summer and a couple not in summer, (thanks Commonwealth Government, global warming again) until motor cycles really struggled not to topple over.

So after a lot of whinging and whining rather than repair the road in any meaningful way the Sunshine Coast council decided the best way to placate the natives was to whack up a bloody great sign that said ‘rough surface’! Like we hadn’t noticed…
So Dad’s Fairlane is getting on a bit and the shockers aren’t too good and I’m really not sure if they have another trip down that feeder road past the ‘rough surface’ sign in em’…
So I got kinda excited when I saw Sunshine Coast Council workers with a ‘Stop’ and ‘Go’ paddle recently, but it turns out they were just adding yet another ‘rough surface’ sign… (Really! As if we didn’t notice the first sign…)
So with local government stuffing up as spectacularly as State and Commonwealth, in supporting my efforts to get to job interviews, frankly I think they can all cut me some bloody slack!
I’m getting myself a hot chocolate, getting back under the blankets and getting on Steemit where the real action happens!
