My Crypto Journey -22, Understanding Nervos Network's Cell Model: How it Enhances the Security of DeFi Applications

in #teammalaysialast year



The Nervos Network's cell model is a unique data model that aims to provide a high level of security for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications built on the network. The cell model allows for the creation of "cells" which are the basic building blocks of the network and can be used to represent various types of assets, including tokens and smart contracts. This model allows for the creation of complex and powerful smart contracts, but also allows for a high degree of flexibility and scalability.



One of the key features of the cell model is the separation of data and logic. In traditional blockchain networks, smart contracts typically contain both the data and the logic for managing that data. This can make smart contracts more vulnerable to hacking and exploitation, because a hacker can potentially access the data and logic of a smart contract at the same time.

The cell model solves this problem by allowing developers to separate the data and logic of a smart contract. The data is stored in cells, while the logic is stored in a separate layer called the "virtual machine" or "VM". This separation of data and logic makes it harder for hackers to access and exploit the data of a smart contract.

For example, a DeFi application built on Nervos Network, can have a smart contract that manages the lending and borrowing of assets. The smart contract's logic is stored on a VM, while the actual assets being lent and borrowed are stored in cells. This separation of data and logic makes it harder for a hacker to access the assets being lent and borrowed and the smart contract's logic at the same time.

Additionally, the Nervos team has implemented formal verification which is a mathematical proof that a smart contract is correct. This means that smart contracts can be mathematically proven to be correct, reducing the risk of bugs or vulnerabilities.