Something juicy...

in #teamserbia5 years ago

Fruit salad is something I love to eat when it’s summer. Fruit salad can refresh me during warm days. Today may not have been the hottest day, but I was eating a fruit salad that I cook my own way.
See what this looks like:


My fruit salad consists of one banana and one orange. I like this combination because oranges are acidic and contain vitamin C and the banana is more sweet and not acidic at all and contains vitamin B6 and C. So those two fruits make a great compromise in my mouth.

A banana is said to be an energy bomb, so I get energy from a banana. And orange strengthens our immune system and we become more resistant to disease.



First I cut the orange, sometimes into larger pieces and sometimes into smaller pieces. This time I cut it into larger pieces. She first cuts the orange because her pieces are bigger than a banana.



Then I slice the banana and put it over the oranges. Then I mix it all up nicely and grab my fork and enjoy dessert.



A banana is an energy bomb that you should treat carefully if you are on a diet. But it is also full of vitamins and minerals that can prevent or alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Mood: According to one study, depressants lived after eating a banana. And all this thanks to tryptophan, a protein that promotes the production of serotonin in our body, the hormone of happiness.

PMS: Take a banana instead of the pain pill. Not only will you feel better because you will not be poisoned and addicted, but naturally banana vitamin B6 will regulate blood glucose and thus affect your better mood.


Anemia: Banana is rich in iron.

Blood pressure, heart attack and stroke: Banana is rich in potassium and low in salt and is therefore the perfect food for those who have problems with high blood pressure because it lowers it and reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

Concentration: Studies have shown that banana potassium improves concentration.

Digestion: Banana contains vegetable fibers that help digest digestion. So replace the laxatives with a banana. Banana is the only raw fruit that can be consumed without consequences in chronic diseases. It neutralizes acid and reduces gastric irritation, so it is great if you suffer from an ulcer.


Morning Nausea: Banana between meals normalizes blood sugar levels, which also regulates morning sickness.

Mosquito bite: Rub the bite on the inside of the banana peel. Reduces swelling and irritation.

Nerves: Large amounts of B vitamins help calm the nervous system. Potassium is extremely important in normalizing heart rate, it sends oxygen to the brain and regulates the amount of water in the body, which is why it is great and in controlling the symptoms of stress.

Smoking: Vitamins B6, B12, potassium and magnesium help recover the body from using nicotine.

Nipples: Place a piece of banana peel on the nipple with the yellow side facing up. Attach with a patch or bandage.



Medicinal properties:
In addition to being very tasty, oranges strengthen our body making it resistant to viruses and infections. They also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, normalize heart activity, protect against cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus and intestines, assist in digestion and speed it up, maintain the immune system at a high level, activate glands with internal secretion and strengthen blood vessels.


For a healthy mouth and stronger teeth:
Calcium is of particular importance for oranges, which is easily absorbed and provides our teeth and bones with health and strength. At the same time, this delicious fruit is an exceptional solution for teeth whitening. If you want white teeth, it is enough to rub them several times at bedtime with the inside of the orange peel. The results are immediately visible.


For smokers and pregnant women:
Orange is rich in vitamin C, which is of particular importance to smokers because it destroys nicotine. Therefore, if you smoke or live in a polluted environment, season your salad with orange juice instead of sunflower or olive oil. This delicious sweet-salty combination is at the same time extremely healthy for pregnant women because it is rich in folic acid, essential for the development and health of the fetus.

Nerve protector:
Consuming this fruit on a daily basis provides good protection for neurons in the brain and spinal cord, while the antioxidants in it reduce the impact of the toxins secreted when the body is stressed. In this way, the possibility of damage to nerve cells is reduced, that is, enables carefree aging, while maintaining a clear mind.


Skin care:
Orange peel contains powerful antioxidants, which are great fighters against free radicals and wrinkles. This is why masks with orange peel are recommended by all dermatologists. If you have dry skin, grind half the oranges, add the egg yolks and mix everything well. Apply to face, leave for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. If your skin is oily, make a simple mask by grinding the orange peel, kneading it slightly between your fingers and applying it to your face. If you want to clean your skin from blackheads, grind the dried orange peel in a blender, then mix the resulting powder with rose water. Apply on face and rub for a few minutes.