Hyundai Hy-T26 - Why no language translation?

in #technology5 days ago

Hyundai Hy-T26


Meet the infamous "Hyndai" earphones. When I bought them, I bought them as earphones ad nothing else. I got them from the TikTok shop for relatively cheap and was quite mind blown by how long the battery life was. I was able to get through an entire day without having to recharge them. I'm noticing longer battery lives with these earphones these days. Looks like, despite the amount of work they have to do, battery life has improved across the board. Bluetooth 5, a more efficient protocol, is also probably responsible for squeezing more out of a single charge.

I noticed a lot of people were asking me on YT about language translation and if mine did that. I did a little research and found out that there is a version of these that connect to some AI app and could translate audio. How cool. So you cold wear them on holiday and understand what people are saying. There is a finite list of languages, of course, and a little time delay as the AI took connects o the Internet and does the translation.

It's not actually that impressive the more one looks into it. I've had the Google "Translate" app on my phone for over a decade now. I works with audio, and always has. Nothing new there. All this system is doing is taking input from the earphones' inbuilt microphones and sending output to the earphones. I'm willing to bet that the app uses Google Translate to an extent.

I'm still waiting for an actual pair of headphones that have the languages, and translation program, loaded unto them so that they can work without the Internet, and on the fly. That's only a matter of time before we achieve it, I'm sure. The concept has been with us for a century anyway. It's "Babel Fish"! Looks like people are trying to actually build it. From the inception of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, we actually have the technology to achieve it.

Peace & Love,



Douglas Adams predicted a fair few things. He loved technology and it's sad he died so young (only 49!). He did achieve a lot in his life though. I've got a book of his archives to read some time.

I know a lot of translators and interpreters fear for their jobs with this sort of tech. A friend of mine is in that business.

I wonder if it's a self-fulfilling prophesy.. Perhaps people like Adams are great visionaries and plant the seed in the minds of people that eventually become engineers and scientists and eventually "invent" the stuff. Much like Starwars and Star Trek had iPads and iPhone-like devices way back in the day

Oh my word! We’re not far off creating a babel fish and that’s a problem for those who work in the translation business mind you.

Battery lives in devices are getting better. I’ve a musical device that I’ve charged rarely and it just goes on and on.

Seems no job is safe from technology and Ai :)

That’s my worry! Who will need software engineers in a few years time, we’ll have coded ourselves out of our jobs by then.