Solving the Problem of Cross border Transactions in Africa UsingAlkebulan(AKB) Cryptocurrency

Written by Tim Luenstaeden Co-founder Alkebulan (AKB) cryptocurrency
We claim for ourselves, for this group (Alkebulan (AKB) Cryptocurrency), for this project to develop a COIN - not to develop a CURRENCY (!!!).There are hundreds of coins based on the Block-chain Technology, some for charity, some to get rich with. But a (block-chain) currency just for Africa that can be used in every African state, in every town, in every village, in every shop and between the People doesn't exist so far. Let this currency be the start for a new time, because the time for a United Africa is now. Why should the time be now ? Look at Africa, there are a lot of resources in the Ground, there is pure natural energy most of the year (Sun - heat, Water - flow). Why don't you just use them?


All Project members of Alkebulan (AKB) Cryptocurrency got one target, one thin that united us in the group and also unite all Africans as well. We want Africa to rise to a new and strong glorious Nation. To reach those targets it is necessary to enable Cross border Transactions - Europe would not work without that. Yes Europe got its own problems, but look what they also achieved in this years since they use the Euro. You can move from Germany to France also Italy and a lot more states without exchanging the currency, imagine this for Africa - wouldn't it be awesome ?

Nowadays sadly in some states you have the problem that the currencies are weak against the Dollar or Euro. So you have often to wear a bag full of money with you just to buy everyday needed things most especially business transaction across borders or sending money oversees/receiving it. Let us build a New Africa that works, a New Africa that will put a smile on the faces of millions of Africans around the globe. Join us today to rebuild the strength of Africa Using Block chain Technology.