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RE: What If You Could Change Your Body Like Your Clothes?

in #technology7 years ago

Very interesting topic, Black Mirror is a phenomenal series for a kickoff, always good at putting some topics in perspective. Plus, season 4! wow.

But yeah, putting our 'souls' into another vessel will definitely be a crazy thing and it will be interesting to see if the process distorts or ruins our present memories.
The other topic that stems from this is obviously the position with VR reality, will we be able to implant ourselves into a different reality at some point without even realizing we are there? And who will control this reality? I'm sure you will of seen the first episode of season 4 and will realize how this will cause a whole host of problems, ones a LOT scarier than we have in our present reality.

Out of curiosity, have you experienced psychedelic experiences? For the topic of conversation regarding other realities within our own present time.


That VR part is really intriguing. I hadn't even considered about that. Transporting our consciousness, temporarily or permanently into a virtual world sure sounds like a heck of a ride and too futuristic to even talk about right now haha but yeah, it's something to ponder upon.

I haven't watched season 4 yet, so I don't get that reference. And no, I haven't experienced any psychedelic experiences till now, but I hear it's something!

Without a doubt! I've been messing about with my VR and even putting on a headset and seeing your digital body right there is too much sometimes. I think the dynamic will eventually change and when the tech catches up and things become '4K' or visually similar to our own, we will start to hear a lot of stories about people 'lost in VR'. Wouldn't make a bad fan fiction post!

Oh dude, you are in for a treat. First episode is my favorite, remember the popcorn!

Oh and psychedelic experiences are fantastic. The questions they prompt are something else and the journey they take you on are like nothing I've experienced before. My words of wisdom if you ever do, your mind will only bend if you are not right with yourself. In any time of desperation and worry, center yourself with the bottoms of your feet together and your hands on them, sitting down of course with your eyes closed. I believe everything is to do with loops and the transference of energy. True harmony is achieved with the organisms around you react when your energy flows infinitely through you and back to the earth.

Years ago I read a very interesting Sci-fi short about this exact scenario. It was called "Altogether Elsewhere, Vast Herds of Reindeer" by Ken Liu. To combat a deteriorating planet and stem rapid population growth most humans lived virtually inside a HUGE server. The new class of the 1% became VR architects and interior decorators. For instance, as a birthday gift a little girl was given an endless yellow lit world (if memory serves me). The remaining few humans outside the server maintained it on the outside or took 1 way trips searching for new worlds but time itself outside VR moved at a different pace. Crazy !dims.jpg