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RE: Tesla's Full Self-Driving is Finally Out of Beta! My First Impressions...

in #technologylast month (edited)

He undoubtedly is, he has flaws like we all do but in the end he'll have more impact on humanity than Edison. I am mystified that he doesn't get more support but people these days have a difficult time separating political views from everything else, Musk included. We live in such tumultuous and polarizing times.

Oh yes, absolutely, this tech will help a lot of people. Tesla is going to license it to other automakers and will be creating a fleet of robotaxi's that will drive themselves.

What a sad story about your country's lottery! Hopefully she was able to sell it and get something she could use. I hope you have a great week!


Same to you, my friend! Today is eclipse day. I decree much abundance, health and love for you.

Thank you, Nancy! I wish the same for you!