Wow, that is pretty impressive. Then they had an earthquake too. Tough times down there. I guess that isn't as uncommon as a hurricane though. It's still pretty crazy. It's hard to imagine all that rain you got earlier just went away so quickly.
Wow, that is pretty impressive. Then they had an earthquake too. Tough times down there. I guess that isn't as uncommon as a hurricane though. It's still pretty crazy. It's hard to imagine all that rain you got earlier just went away so quickly.
Most of the Saturday rain went into the ground, I think. But the top inch or two sure dried out in a hurry. In the face of a Hurricane West Wind as it were :)
Ojai. Got a 5.1 earthquake served with their hurricane. That just amazes me.
Wow, that is crazy! I'm glad it didn't turn out too bad for you though.