The Next US Cabinet: Parallels Between Trump and Hitler

in #thebeast9 months ago (edited)

Screenshot 2023-08-23 191700.png

For now, making comparisons is becoming a dull exercise because the majority has made up their minds about the current tumultuous political air in the world, and pointedly in the US.

But for a moment consider how alike the two are:

  • Both Trump and Hitler had/have an illness that is kept secret.
  • Both ride a populous platform of far right conservatives, while having the same backers of New York Banks for Hitler; New York Banks for Trump, Pure Jewish Orthodoxy aka Pure Luciferianism: 666 Real Estate held by Kushner ; the State of Israel crowning Trump King Cyrus on a mint; "Came down the escalator" as Trump famously said of himself
  • Trump and Hitler both claimed to have come from the huddled anxious masses and felt they had an edict from God to perform a miraculous things: they even use the same language of returning their respective nations to "greatness".
  • Hitler led the rebellion at Munich Beer Hall with a gunshot and failed, was sentenced to 5 years but served far less than a year.
  • Trump has been connected to incitement toward the Capitol Hill Uprising. For this event, among many, many other charges he may be given anywhere from at minimum 5 years to 700 years prison term, but will not serve anywhere near that minimum.
  • Trump and Hitler both espouse conservatist angles, while profitable. Revenge is the same new platform for Trump and the adherents of certain groups will be laid out as traitors, too. "Our own cross to bare, by our own will power"
  • Trump and Hitler both now at this point are at the pinnacle of public favor as the turmoil in the German nation and the United States are at an all time high. (Charges laid out, conspirators rounded up! Confetti flying for the martyrs!)

Furthermore, unemployment is at its highest beyond the Great Depression, the Dollar is the weakest and US credit rating has been sunk, nuclear war tensions are higher than any any point in the entire history of the present age, an overseas World War 3 is springing forth, and nearly all global rulers are a laughingstock of illegitimate and oft-hated figureheads.

-- The populous movement is a tinder box, we are at the crest of the great surge of violence. The conditions in Germany were topsy turvy as well but 2023 is 'at scale' and amplified by certain things.

Both Trump and Hitler raised/will raise the "prominent and faithful" to powerful positions within their Reich, which "fell" to charges after the coup/uprising. We are at this point today.

So, ladies and gentlemen, your new United States governors and chiefs will probably be:

  • Steve Bannon, right hand strategist and possibly military general
  • Sidney Powell ('right hand of justice' at the Reich of Trump, especially toward prosecution of traitors)
  • Elliott Broidy (finance)
  • Rudy Guliani (possible transport / net secretary)
  • Jenna Ellis (possible press secretary)
  • David Shafer
  • Ray Smith
  • Cathy Latham
  • John Eastman (possible legal and foreign affairs)
  • Scott Hall (possible legal and foreign affairs)
  • Many more who did not "squeak" the vowels of the current administration's song and dance

For now these are educated guesses of their appointments, but knowing Trump's decision making process, he will defer to passion over experience.

For like Hitler, Trump's hiring process is about the heart and the will... Oh, how this sounds like a rerun, on nitrous oxide. Given that we have had the most intensely WARM WINDS under President Joe Biden's military and administration, we know popular favor will lean towards "big and loud" changes at breakneck speeds. Miracles, they want M I R A C L E S!

Unfortunately, for a nation that is divided to make swift changes toward that great Fatherland image requires a great deal of woes and bloodshed -- for which adherents of the firebrand Trump will surely be glad to arm themselves. Beware of politicians; Beware thrice about politicians that recount the story of the Woman and the Snake(Trump recounting story to his adherents).

