Greetings From LA: For the Aged Reader

in #thegreatlie8 months ago

Tartarian Comedy.png

Greetings from Las Vegas, [ REDACTED ]


"Daddy, Daddy! Tell us again about the Nazi order that operated(operates) across the whole earth and how we inherited buildings from numerous truly advanced civilizations and the vast majority of the as-told historical narratives are completely fabricated to serve a mythical mankinds-ascent-from-primitive-origins narrative to ensure our enslavement to a medieval-faux-technological-Völkisch underworld leadership? Also about the massive Christian centric buildings and facilities built with astonishing ether tech that makes no sense in our current faux scientific paradigm taught to all the university students and elicited to the utmost by fraud scholars, thinkers and esteemed men of secret societies like the masons and the pure luciferians?"


"Sure, kiddo. Sit down and let me download the missing archives from the ether holocomputer from the late 90s. That's the Christ Era 90s, I mean, hehe."

"Wet an old dog's tongue, and he listens."