The Discovery of America: The Great Expiriment Falls Apart in 2023

in #thegreatlielast year (edited)

America was not founded by explorers, nor a rebellion from the crown of Britannia.

On the contrary, this is the likely rise of "America: the Great Expiriment":

  1. Massive unified cities and built out mega structures, palaces, royal castles and halls, pools, rail systems, temples, hotels, energy facilities lay in ruin after at least 100 years. There was no sign of civilization, of any people whatsoever, and it was an astonishment. Machines, like train engines, too, sat decrepit from ages of abandonment.
  2. The Illuminated Masons, took to forging a story for a civilization: they hired and enslaved workers to write, paint, sculpt to forge histories and forge plaques with falsified established dates, and forge cabins and more to craft a narrative of settling the continents. Other nations partook in similar manner.
  3. Mass photography took place of all abandoned sites - huge cities like Philadelphia and DC which had a former name before the masons came. These photos were used to craft narratives that they all agreed upon with various high ranking generals that would be enshrined in United States history as the historic builders of America. They were not, but they took their ranks like hasty impostors and charlatans.
  4. Clean up from the mud flood or cataclysmic events took place. Countless buildings were destroyed, though perfectly in tact. Some were renovated and reclaimed under new names, in newly renamed cities. Some took on the former names with some changes to confuse their origin. The mud flood filled buildings about 3+ feet on average and more in many cases. The palaces, rail and more had to be dug out in parts. Some were partially left buried and stairs were added, architect forgers took credit to making minor adjustments to the foundation entrances - while building vast super structures they could not have dreamed of constructing in less than a decade!
  5. Demolitions. The military took munitions and blasted huge swathes of buildings of the old world that were standing completely in tact. The "Great Fires" contribution to the false history of the United States. This was in fact a massive coordinated destruction of the evidence of the abandoned super civilization that spanned the entire earth. Call it "Tartaria" or something else, it was massive, astounding and inexplicable -- because ALL conquered civilizations typically have the burn marks and desolation of war, of being razed, but not so for this previous civilization. They up and vanished!
  6. From the fire narratives, the pioneers and discoverers of a nation were lifted up with ignorant choruses and complicit conspirator forgers. Cabins were constructed, sites filled with "historical plaques" and a school curriculae was enshrined as doctrine: This is history and there is only this.

The two key takeaways from the Great Experiment or Great Lie is:
#1 The absence of the lie and the presence of a super society filled with cities built out but abandoned leaves only a miraculous explanation.

-- The Bible already has the exact descriptions of Philadelphia and Chicago. Great cities without people, standing without anyone in them -- and strangers entering them in astonishment.

** No natural decline of a society occurred here. There was just an annihilated people, but massive, incredibly astounding buildings remained. And what a wonder to explain to little school children, no doubt!**

Naturally, the Illumined Masons would not stand for a Biblical founded historical "blood line"; it would need to be purged of Adam and Eve, Angels fallen and God's Promise.

... So a secular vision or false light was given to humanity: the current modern tale of Progress and Liberty, the evolution of man that faced absolutely no hurdles or plateaus of invention in the last 300 years, but developed smoothly in a perfect eureka moment after eureka moment: electricity, trains, computer chips, quantum computing... in a neat 300 years or less!

That is, of course, how all skills progress right? (cue laughter). You're instantly good at whatever you attempt and there are no long fruitless and ardous plateuas in development. The same, we are misled, occurred with technological leaps: Moore's Law was required to be told as a fanciful tale to little naive children.

#2 The impending doom of society and civilization. Knowing their cause was wicked, the builders of the Great Lie of the earth's history have been working at the same labor of centuries: They erected music idols, theatre idols, and filled society with the devices they knew would corrupt mankind. While distracted with the delusion of a historic world of America, Europe and nations, politics added to the mixture - a pointless charade to distract souls - they committed themselves to the cause of pitting man against man in order to turn God against him.

Not only do Freemasons know what caused Philadelphia's downfall, Tartaria to fade into nothingness as a peoples united - they have sought to conceal the creator himself in all things.

The marvel of empty cities would have caused men to believe in God's fearsome power to empty cities without the need of troops. The marvel of technologies present in Tartaria (spanning the entire earth), would have negated the need to believe in a Progress-driven narrative, at its core secular -- excluding all of God and the Bible's message.

The secularized Progress narrative is a Satanic teaching, a requirement of a ruling system of control of beliefs firsthand, actions second. For if we believe in this world's great lie, we more easily can fall prey to all manner of distraction and attractions along the way to Death itself.

The transition to fluorescent light bulbs (a recent almost religious freemason initiative) symbolizes the secular format presented to mankind: so that he may not turn to God and might remain confused of his origin and purpose. The natural light has been replaced!

For the masons, the chiefest aim is to invert, pervert and turn against what is natural and replace with the unnatural, discordant and evil. The sweet would be replaced with bitter; Colgate, Procter & Gamble and the rest of them presenting their poisoned apple of death to mankind in perpetuity until all sleep has left His bloodied corpse of ignorance and he lays down in worse condition than the fallen angels....

But fallen angels are self deceived about their capabilities to war; every created thing has a creator. Enoch's writings about the wailing of angels should be warning to these.