The Matters of the Heart ❤️

How is your Heart Today? Have you ever asked yourself how is my Heart doing today? What am I Feeling inside my Heart? Am I searching my Heart or Did I Allowed God to search my Heart and Cleanse me.

The Mind and Heart of men is Satan's Playground. Satan will do their very best to pluck you out from God's Will and Destiny for us. We might not know what our tomorrow holds. But 1 thing that we can assure is that we have and serve a Powerful God Who is always by our side. HE will never leave us nor forsake us. The Plan that HE has for us is to Prosper us and not to harm us. As long as we put our Trust, Faith and Believe in Jesus Christ, we are saved in Jesus Name Amen. So cling on to All HIS Promises for HIS Promises are a Yes & Amen. ❤️

Life might not be all bed of roses but life will be harder without God. God is Love. HE is our source of Hope, Life and Strength. In our weakness God is made strong. As long as we acknowledge that we need God... HE will be here with us and for us. Hallelujah.

It is very important to set our Heart right with God. Remove and UpRoot whatever that is Hindering us from Walking Right and Just with God. HIS Grace is Sufficient and HIS mercy are new every morning.

We are in this world but not from this world. Do Not be conformed by the world but be transformed by the Renewal of our mind. Hallelujah. Glory be to God. Have Your way in us... Have Your way in me Lord... In Jesus Name. Amen & Amen.

Just sharing my thoughts... Until then...


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