Just a rant - Thinking out load to myself on a Sunday morning.

in #thoughts5 years ago


How many people in your life have the ability to flat out ruin your day, life, financial stability? For a good deal of people, I'd wager that number of awfully low and that's not a good thing.

One of the definitions of freedom I adhere to is having more control over my life than anyone else, to have the ability to make better decisions over my life and to not allow a single person (or a few) influences over my life.

Unfortunately for the majority of us, we live our lives based on the whims of people, usually a boss at work, who has the power and ability to make our lives complicated or even outright devastating if they choose.

The pay we depend on, the hours we work, the security of knowing more money is around the corner (if we only give up more of our lives) all dependent on a single, or few, people. sure we can always find different jobs and whatnot but that will simply lead back to the single person controlling again. Not good.

Right now my boss is a good guy, unfortunately, his boss (and my old boss) and the company I work for is not so good. But due to circumstances, we need the financial stability my current job provides. As much as I hate the place, I depend on it. while I always have the ability to walk away that would be devastating on my family. I can't do that to them.


One of the reasons I became interested in investing was to make money (duh) but not for luxury or status or to roll around my bed on a fat stack of bills. It was because I wanted the freedom to make better choices in life and to have more control over my own life.

It feels like that will never happen. the amount of security needed to support a family and our future seems to grow daily, a mythological number that as soon as I get close to suddenly transforms into something larger and scarier.

I can hope to invest now while prices are low and reap the rewards eventually (whenever that is) but I can't feed my son on what could be or somedays or maybes. (unless maybe o's is a sugary cereal)

Can Block-chain help out?

I think what I need is more places where I can earn funds so as to not depend on a single source. I've heard somewhere that most of the ultra-rich have at least five to seven sources on income. That way if they lose on then no big deal. Seems like a good plan.

I wonder if Hive and other block-chains can provide that? Can we create a sense of financial freedom? When the price of a coin can be so unstable? Perhaps stable coins could be one way to hold on to some of the earnings?

I don't know. I am grateful as can be for a stable paycheck but sometimes that seems more like a crutch holding me back from pursuing better more fulfilling means of supporting myself and my family.

Too much comfort can be a burden in that sense, preventing us from reaching higher in life.



Can a paycheque be a crutch absolutely it is for many, but you can make it something more. Even if you're putting aside a few dollars, you're also lucky to be earning in Dollars it makes life so much easier when I compare to earning in South African Rands lol. I agree with multiple source of cash flow, most people want to get rich quick and not gain wealth slowly.

If you can find something that pays you and you can scale that up and then replicate it a few times why not.

Like me, I have HIVE/STEEM/BLURT that I earn online

  • I earn from my marketing blog
  • I earn through traditional investments
  • I earn through blogging for others
  • I earn through running workshops and training
  • I have positions in several alts
  • I dollar cost average into BTC each month
  • I sometimes connect people I know with other people and charge a fee. Example, the other day a friend asked me do I know someone who does facebook ads and I said yes and connected them and they gave me a fee for the connection :)

It's not a lot of money I am by no means rich but I feel every bit counts, I don't know for how long my skills will make me money, if I'll have access to markets locally or internationally where I can earn so Im making as much as I can while I can

Sounds like your doing good in my book. What I would love to do, and am currently looking in to, are ways to earn outside of my current job.

I think Hive can be a good place to start, as is buying into BTC and other coins and blogging. I have an idea brewing in my head as to how I want to alter how I blog on hive and scale up from there into various forms of income.