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RE: Introducing the Acela Core - Upgrading Existing Web2 Apps into True Web3 Dapps

in #threespeaklast year

I wouldn't consider it all to be incredibly tied in a way that'll fail. The bulk of the work being done by this piece of software is separated out to numerous micro services. For example union indexer, encoder, ipfs-cluster, etc. Just the difference is we have a core backend that hooks all this stuff together compact and easy to run way.

On more sensitive topics like account creation/authentication, We (me) are looking at building a decentralized multisig to handle account creation and other ways to further decentralize/derisk our account creation proxy. Especially for proxy accounts where you can "select" a provider to be the account you ultimately post on chain... Of course, I am talking about further into a future. One step at a time right?


Baby steps are awesome as long as it isnt into a mud pit. LOL!