Beef seasoning Squid noodle Tomyam

in #tomyam7 years ago


🍝 Beef Noodle Tomyam 🍝 6Suka spice Squid

Still got herbs tomyam packaging at home and there was beef in f ... more




5-6 portion

250 grams of beef (stew sampe bener2 tender)

150 grams of squid

5 pcs delicious Instant Noodles (chicken onion taste me)

1 piece kobis uk sedeng (me (+/-) 250gram)

Subtle seasoning:

6 cloves of garlic

250 grams of cayenne pepper

8 large red chilli seeds

1 grains candlenut

1 tsp freshly ground pepper

1 L beef broth

1 tablespoon seasoning tomyam packaging

1 tsp salt

2 tsp granulated sugar

1 tsp bouillon powder (me royco)

1 dice 2x2cm sugar

Fried onions to taste for sprinkling


Boiled beef tender, bener kaldunya sampe disposed yaa moms set aside only. Potong2 beef set aside.

Saute seasoning smooth sampe fragrant matured, tomyam seasoning input. Stir-fry till cooked beef broth and beef entries rebusnya. Simmer herbs and well blended. Kobis input and scallions till wilted, then briefly boiled squid input (+/-) 5menitan. Input of salt, flavoring, sugar, and other boiled bumbu2 briefly until just boiling. Okay mienya gravy ready set aside just turn off the heat.

Boil the noodles in a separate skillet, remove water decoction of mie. Place the noodles in a bowl and then siramkan mateng broth into Bowl ...Nb: deliberately I campurin mienya ga seXian because the home range of the request. No reply requested his noodles half mateng ada yg ask mateng bgt bla bla bla and semacamanya but, enjoy moms yg mw indeed once packed bebarengan can combine all the time to boil the soup Yes moms

For seasoning tomyam packaging at many moms, I pake yg moms moms taste but can pake tomyam seasoning which aja .


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