You read our new article in which the best trading sites on the NYSE will be reviewed. We collected the most popular sites that professional traders use. Sites will be divided into groups, depending on their functionality and will sometimes be repeated.
The article was prepared specially for Trading Floor.( https://utmagazine.ru/torgovie-signali?utm_source=utmag-tfreview&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=utmag-tfreview )
Basic sites
1.1 www.google.com/finance
1.2 www.finance.yahoo.com
1.3 www.finviz.com
1.4 www.utmagazine.ru/torgovie-signaliSites for viewing reports
2.1 www.briefing.com
2.2 www.streetinsider.com
2.3 www.benzinga.com
2.4 www.stocksearning.com
2.5 www.finviz.com/screener.ashxNews sites
3.1 www.seekingalpha.com
3.2 www.finviz.com
3.3 www.nasdaq.com
3.4 www.cnbc.com
3.5 www.twitter.com
3.6 www.bloomberg.com
3.7 www.stocktwits.com
3.8 www.marketwatch.com
3.9 www.wallstreetpoint.com
3.10 www.bidnessetc.com
3.11 www.zerohedge.com
3.12 www.streetinsider.com
3.13 www.dividend.comScreener
4.1 www.finviz.com/screener.ashx
4.2 www.stocksinplay.ru
4.3 www.stocksearning.comETF
5.1 www.sectorspdr.com
5.2 www.etfdb.comIPO
6.1 www.briefing.com/investor/calendars/ipo/
6.2 www.nasdaq.com/markets/ipos/Trading radio
7.1 www.tradethenews.com
7.2 www.premarket.benzinga.com/pre-market-show/
7.3 www.daytradingradio.com
7.4 www.utmagazine.ru/torgovie-signali
8.1 www.nanex.net
8.2 www.freestockcharts.com/
Basic sites
- www.google.com/finance This is one of the most important, basic sites that 95% of all traders of the world use. It is interesting that it allows you to quickly see the brief information on the stock (company name, sector, current price, capitalization, etc.). Also, in the "News" section you can see the news coming out to the company in recent times
- www.finance.yahoo.com The structure of the site is very similar to Google Finance and it is also one of the main sites in the arsenal of any trader. Yahoo finance provides more information about the company
- www.finviz.com In my opinion, it is the main one of all the basic sites, as it provides all the necessary information for successful trading. On it you can view the complete information about the company, watch the news tape of the stack, see the changes in the sectors, there are also very convenient filters and many other possibilities.
- www.utmagazine.ru/torgovie-signali On this site there is a daily LIVE broadcast of Alexey Markov's trade, called Trading Floor. She is also interested in the fact that in addition to demonstrating her trade, Alexei conducts a daily morning review and preparation for trading, discussing transactions committed per day, demonstrating the trade of the best traders of the company. Also in Trading Floor lectures on patterns, lectures on tejpriding are held. There is a private chat, every week there are reviews of interesting events and actions over the past week. And there is no analogue to it in Russia.
Sites for viewing reports
Before talking about sites with reports I want to answer one of the most frequently asked questions. How to copy tickers from the site in the Watch list?
This is very simple, open the desired site in the browser mozilla firefox ------> -----> hold down the Ctrl button and select the column in which the tickers are written -----> press Ctrl + C ----- -> select the desired Wach list and press Ctrl + V and everything is ready
www.briefing.com This site is one of the major sites during the earning season. In it, we are most attracted by the tab "Calendars", it is interesting in that it can look at the date of the report of the action and its indicators. There is also the possibility of viewing Earnings Guidance, upgrades / dowgrades, stock splits, conference call.
www.streetinsider.com I think this site will fall into all the subgroups that will be in this article, as it includes almost everything. BUT, at the moment we are considering earnings. The reports here look at the pleasure itself, very detailed information, a convenient and intuitive interface, it is possible to quickly and conveniently view the company's previous reports simply by typing a ticker. And a lot of different chips.
www.benzinga.com As well as streetinsider is a site on which a huge amount of information is collected. But at the moment we are interested in reports and gaydensy. At benzinga.com very convenient Earnings and Guidance calendars. Also on it is Free Streaming news where news is written in real time. And this is only a small part of the opportunities that this site provides.
www.stocksearning.com Very interesting site for trading during earnings season. I like it a lot of different screeners for selecting reporting stacks, according to the set parameters. Statistics on previous reports and various predictions (for example, what EPS will appear and so on)
www.finviz.com/screener.ashx The financial screener is great for selecting reporting stocks according to the specified parameters.
News siteswww.seekingalpha.com One of my favorite sites for viewing news. In addition to a huge number of news of various colors, there are still interesting blogs. In my opinion, for viewing the news, the most interesting section is ON THE MOVE.
www.finviz.com This site unites many news resources (SeekingAlpha, Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, CNBC, WSJ, Briefing, Reuters, Barrons) and it is convenient to find news on the ticker. Recently, the site has been integrated with http://stocktwits.com
www.nasdaq.com This is the official site of the NASDAQ exchange. On it I really like watching the most active shares on the Pre-market and After -market.
www.twitter.com It is an invaluable source of news, and it is the fastest way to learn news, rumors, ideas for any action. Soon, we compiled a list of the most interesting tweets, which are worth subscribing to any trader
www.bloomberg.com One of the best news sources. On it there is a huge amount of various news on shares, articles on economics, finance, politics and much more. + There is always live TV on it. There is also an opportunity to watch the charts, the effectiveness of various funds.![bloomberg.png]
www.stocktwits.com This is the largest community of traders on the Internet. The principle is the same as in Twitter, but with a large number of special functions. Specializes in trading.
www.marketwatch.com I really love this site. He likes me with a lot of news and articles on the stock market, with a very user-friendly interface.
www.wallstreetpoint.com Another very good news site, where you can watch the news, also watch the activity of various hedge funds.![Wallstreetpoint.png]
www.bidnessetc.com Very convenient news resource, in which there is a clear division of news by sector.
www.zerohedge.com In fact, it is one of the most popular financial blogs in the world, famous throughout the world for articles that contain an opinion radically different from other news sources.
www.streetinsider.com I will not say much about it. A great site, where you can find almost everything! I especially like the section calendars. There is also the possibility to view upgrades / dowgrades, stock splits, conference calls, FDA calendar and many more.
www.dividend.com A website where you can see full data on dividends in shares.
Screener (a stock filter by certain parameters)
- www.finviz.com/screener.ashx The first thing that comes to mind when the word "screener" is so it's finviz and the reason for this is their multifunctional screener. It is used by all traders, in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. He will always be a faithful companion in the search for interesting actions. The main thing is to set the necessary parameters and press enter.
- www.stocksinplay.ru Recently, more and more professional traders choosing between Finviz and stocksinplay give their preference to the latter. And for that there are reasons for it, namely multifunctionality, the convenience of the interface, the ability to view the graph at once (for example, minute and 5 minutes, on Finfiz this function is paid) and many more very convenient chips.
- www.stocksearning.com As I mentioned earlier, some sites will be repeated, but this is done because their functionality fits right into several groups and stocksearning good for this example. This site is interesting by several filters Earnings in which it is easy to find the actions necessary for you, according to the parameters set by you.
ETFs are funds that are traded on a stock exchange, like stocks. They are prefabricated investment funds, where everyone can access the index or raw materials, providing investors with the same return as the main markets. Each professional trader periodically trades ETF.
www.sectorspdr.com Very convenient site for viewing ETF, where you can see what actions are included in the sector ETF, see the correlation and many more different parameters for them.
www.etfdb.com A great website where you can find any of the available ETFs by specifying certain parameters, read the description on it and see the most of the indicators.
IPOwww.briefing.com/investor/calendars/ipo/ On this site you can find the most important information on the IPO's exit, but for me personally the interface is a bit inconvenient and there is no more information on IPO
www.streetinsider.com As I said before, the tab calendars solves all questions concerning the IPO.
www.nasdaq.com/markets/ipos/ On this page of the official NASDAQ website where you can find data on already published IPOs and forthcoming ones.
Trading radio
- www.tradethenews.com This site is probably the most important news resource, which includes both news and radio, but its cost starts from $ 500 and above (per month of subscription)
- www.premarket.benzinga.com/pre-market-show/ This site hosts the Live premarket Show, which invited well-known traders and they give their comments on the market before its opening.
Source: https://utmagazine.ru/posts/11994-luchshie-sayty-po-treydingu-na-nyse
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You could add http://www.tradingview.com to the list as well. Good charts for pretty much every asset class.
thanks. I will definitely check it