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RE: Daytrading vrs Position Trading, which will make you more money?

in #trading8 years ago

Hey Luc,

Hope you enjoyed your time away and thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to help all of us.

In regards to the Day Trading vs. Position trading, would you recommend day trading for the alt-coins and position trading for the bigger coins BTC, ETH, LTC? I've had trouble entering and exiting a position with larger quantities of coins (10 BTC worth or more) on bittrex due to the somewhat lower trading volume compared to say poloniex, plus the fact that traders are using bots that will jump in front of my bid/ask going up 1 satoshi (.00000001) each time and then other bots are programmed to do the same so next thing I know I completely miss out on where I wanted to buy/sell. I've had better luck with the trading volume on poloniex when I wanted to exit a large position but still encountered some of the issues I mentioned.

Do you find this to be an issue at all with these cracks and bounces to buy and sell larger amounts? or are the swings big enough that it'll get bought/sold no problem? I just wouldn't want to inadvertently put up a wall and screw myself out of a trade. Maybe layered sells? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for all your help.


when daytrading, and trying to make smaller percentages, i often am fighting the bots.. but with the bigger position trades, i just put my orders in where I want to buy and wait for the market to fill me or not.. I dont concern myself with level 2 in the big trades.. and I trade alts and btc the same.. read the chart to know how safe base cracks have been in the past and then set up your orders accordingly.. I almost always layer in and out..

Glad to know I'm not the only one battling the bots in the trenches haha. Very frustrating sometimes. I just get a little worried with the level 2 because I don't know how others will interpret my bid/ask and I know you've mentioned to have similar sized bid/asks so they blend in. On some swings I've had entire single orders get filled in seconds without any issues so I guess it depends on what's going on at the time but layering in/out may be the safer option to guarantee fulfillment. Thanks for taking the time to answer.