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RE: Its hard to keep up with all these awesome trades

in #trading7 years ago


Your technique also worked brilliantly for me on LBC in this last spell of volatility: ) I got in little under base 1, and somewhat bigger under base 2. If I had also set alerts as you recommend, my profit margin would have been bigger and luck would have had less to do with it ... but I'm still pretty happy about the trade!


Hey, thanks for the chart in you comment. Looks like you made 30% on some of that trade.. very nice.. Im still in LBC for a bounce to .00018.. thats my plan after a huge selloff.. but your trade is excellent and good profits :)

.00018 would be phenomenal. My usual trading style is to aim for a 0.5% to 1% profit after exchange fees, and make five to ten trades like this a day. I like your method way better, but still have a lot to learn about being patient and working in more reasonable time-frames.