Some Beautiful Shots of Finland
We went to Finland and stayed with a large group (like more than 20) of Russian friends to celebrate a birthday. It was a wonderful time and we truly enjoyed the 4 days we were there. Here are some photos of the trip for you to enjoy.
As you can see, we had a large house rented on a lake just before full on Winter settled in. The house had a Banya (Russian Sauna) and we enjoyed it with frequent jumps in the lake. Great stuff if you have never tried it.
Just kidding. These were not the houses we stayed in. Our house was like 25,000 square feet (couldn't tell you what that is in meters). It was mammoth. These homes are from some of the neighbor farms that aren't too far a walk.
Long walks around the woods were the perfect complement to lots of food and even more drink.
It is one of the best times I've had outside the city and made even better with the right group of friends.
Yes, I'm tired and lazy today, so I'm posting pictures and throwing up about 200 words so that I don't look like a total loser for posting nothing but pictures, but it's 1 AM and I started working at 9 AM and will start again at 9 AM so, this is what I'm posting tonight.
Just so you know, it's not because I don't love you guys. It's because I want my daily upvotes. Oh, here's one more photo. These are really good, don't you think?
graphic by @habeebability
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Made me laugh.
On a side note, that location would be perfect for a horror movie.
Finland IS a horror movie. It's like the Stepford Wives, but it's everyone.
It is beautiful though. Can't complain about that.
The pictures are pretty sharp considering the lots of drinks ;-)
Haha. You didn't see all the bad pictures we took.
Now you made me curious :-)
настоящий северный лес! я думаю, что вы получили огромное удовольствие, ныряя после бани в ледяную воду...я бы тоже хотела попробовать.
I'm sure you have jumped in some cold water after banya at least a few times.
Good to hear from you as always. Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been very busy.
добрый вечер и приятно вас слышать! я 5 лет занималась закаливанием. Утром и вечером я обливалась ледяной водой и ходила по снегу голыми ногами. Я вылечила остеохондроз. Верю в то, что закаливание очень полезный способ для профилактики здорового образа жизни и хорошего здоровья!!
Вероятно, поэтому вы так молоды и красивы!
спасибо большое за ваш комплимент!!!
This are very lovely images. Always serving isas the bestest.
Hope you are doing well, looking forward to meeting ya in Merica :D (wishful thinking)
Miss ya.
Miss you too. Hope you're doing awesome. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Sorry for the delay. It has been crazy these last few weeks. New job, huge lake BBQ to plan and execute, and trying to keep up with my Steemit stuff. (I am failing, lol)
Haha. Definitely not failing at all. That's indeed a handful, let's catch up when you get a moment.
I upvoted solely because the title recalled our previous comment-conversation on the subject, and it made me laugh :)
Honestly, eating and drinking and going walking around a lake sounds like a most delightful vacation.
It really was a delightful few days. Quiet, clean and fresh. We loved it.
The photos speak for themselves. There are more than 200 words those pictures are telling us. It's okay. Words are not enough to convey what we want to say. Having said that, I like how you presented contrasts here like the photo of the house and the grasses in the waters. There is warmth and life amidst the cold and dreary.
Thanks so much for the compliment. To be honest, the photos are mostly luck or my wife's good ability. We also had a friend that edited them all for light, color, etc. He is a better editor than I am a photographer. ;)
Thanks for stopping by. It's always good to hear from you.
Good to know that you are getting all the help that you can get :D
Nothing wrong with a picture post, we like seeing parts of the world,(well I like seeing), parts of the world I will never visit so on with the show.
Very beautiful. I would love to visit Finland. I love that you have a fav Steemian bit too. Very cute.
very beautiful! I hope I could go there one day.
did you take a dive into the sea, looks refreshing ;-)
Yes, but it is only a lake. No sea. It was cold enough as it is. The Baltic Sea is much colder. It is beautiful and clear water though.
Brief but such shorts stuffs are the need of the hour as people are so busy in this fast paced world.
Pictures are beautiful that few more photos could be added.
Have a nice day: Stay blessed
Wow, this trip is reflecting amazing because pictures can say the half story and all these pictures are reflecting so breathtaking and beautiful and in my opinion your timings of work is showcasing how dedicated you are. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Hey @energyaddict22! Fantastic photos!
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