in #travel5 years ago

Dear friends steemians!, I hope you are all doing well.

Today Im not writing to share poetry, photography, a recipe, a song, a makeup or a review of one of my little trips ...

This post, isn't usual ... In fact to decide to share it, I had to spend several days (even weeks) thinking, because I was a bit embarrassed. However, I realized that it's something I must do because


For those who don't know me, and they are doing it through this post, my name is Daniela Hernandez, I am 26 years old, I am Venezuelan and I study Anthropology.
Writing, and photography (as a model, and as a photographer) are some of my favorite pastimes. I love sports, since I can remember; I was a synchronized swimmer for many years, and I have practiced from ballet, sports shooting to rugby. I was also a swimming teacher for some years.
Currently I am working as a freelancer doing html design for blogs, translating texts into Spanish (my mother tongue), I'm a community manager, I do things that have to do with marketing, advertising, and graphic design in general. I also bake cookies and cupcakes to sell.

It's no secret to anyone the situation in which my country (Venezuela) is immersed. For years we have been falling into a hole, which seems to have no way out ... No matter how many people protest (I myself went to protest at the time), no matter how many young people have died fighting to defend their rights, no matter how many people die of hunger, or how many die for lack of medicines, here lately nothing matters.

Unfortunately, the government only watches over their interests, they live trying to create a parallel universe where everything is happiness and abundance, although evidently there is nothing further from reality ...

Since the revolutionary plague has spread power, EVERYTHING has become a disaster. Many Venezuelans seeking to subsist in some way, have learned to be mediocre, "opportunists" and even malicious. The brotherhood that characterized us as compatriots has been lost to a great extent. Facts like hoarding money (Bolivares Soberanos) in cash and then selling it at 400% is just a small sample of it.

About 3 years ago, my mother was retired after working 35 years as a physiotherapist, and although she has never stopped receiving her "salary" (equivalent to about 3- 4 USD), each time that money was less and less sufficient, for the expenses to which it was normally destined. So I had to start taking on many of those expenses, I was doing well at work, and for me it has never been a nuisance to collaborate with my home, and especially with my mother. She alone has given me everything, and deserves that and more...

With the passage of time, specifically in the last 4-5 months, this economic burden has reached the point where I can't even support it, either alone or in a "team" with my mother. We both keep working hard, and we barely get enough money to buy food for us, and our dogs.

Reason for which, I affirmed my decision to emigrate to seek a better future for me, and a better quality of life for my mother.

I have some savings (around $ 250). A friend can help me, as a loan, with part of the ticket.

Just when I thought that everything was going as it should, I found a GREAT OBSTACLE caused in part by the inept government, and on the other hand, by the Venezuelan opportunist:

To travel to my destination, ARGENTINA, I need a criminal record letter accredited by the "competent" authority in my country. Said document must be apostilled.
I also need my certified academic notes, which help me apply for a job, or even continue studying there. Of course they must also be apostilled to be valid.
And finally, I need to renew my passport that is about to expire.

But what is the problem? WELL !, let me explain ... Any of these procedures is done via internet, free of charge. An appointment must be requested, which once assigned and approved, proceeds to consign or withdraw the corresponding document. THE BIG, BIG PROBLEM IS THAT THE GOVERNMENT WEB PAGES DON'T WORK!


The approximate price for each procedure is $ 80, and the renewal (or extension) of the passport is $ 500.

Already paid the renewal of my passport.

Taking into account my budget, if I paid that money, I would run out of money to survive in Argentina while I get a job. Which is impossible.

At this point,

Although in fact I paid some of these requirements,

I am very desperate, that is why I come to you asking for your HELP to raise the MONEY.


🔴 I want to clarify that any contribution, however minimal, means a lot to me.

🔴 I also want to tell you that if there is someone who does not want to give me "free money", I can do any task that is within my means, like a job.

Sharing this post, you also help me, so more people could see it. Please RESTEEM

From my heart, thank you very much in advance...


So you left and started a new life and your mother is still in Venezuela.

Modern country you once lived in where it all could be arranged by the internet.

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Yes, thats it... INCREDIBLE...Im happy, sad and desperate at the same time... how it sounds?

Familiar 😢. I hope sharing and recommending your post will help.

Posted using Partiko Android


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