
I will be in southern Ontario for about another week, then fly back to Terrace in British Columbia (I have given my car to my sister). I will hang out in Terrace until I am legally allowed to go back to Greece (either 6 months after I left in July or when I get a residency permit - whichever is sooner).

Nice. So you really want to settle in greece. Go for it..Good not to think About it but act..

“A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting. ”
― Carlos Castaneda

Thx for this info.. didn't know.. but yeahh it's true. Allthough sometimes you also must act when you don't have all the knowledge.. people who want to know everything up front also don't act.. In holland we say you need GBV ( gezond boeren verstand) can't really translate it but is something like. healty simple knowledge.