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RE: Confessions of a Lonesome Wanderer: Anywhere But Here

in #travel7 years ago

Very impressive post!

It seems hard to look for something, but you don't know where or how to find it, so you keep aimlessly roaming around with hopes you might run into it.

I want what I don't have.

Don't we all? The grass is always greener at the other side?

Those amazing, stunning temples lose their charm after you've seen them 10 times. And these beautiful views don't seem so mindblowing anymore after awhile. You keep looking for another thrill, but it's seems farfetched. Trust me. You're not the only one who feels like this.

I try to achieve the minimalist existence but found myself desiring for more comfort and convenience.

I was going to mention @gardenofeden, maybe that'd be something for you. But also might be too minimal. Still though, might be worth to check it out! They live for sustainability and freedom.

Good luck.


@sjennon, wow this is the best comment I've read so far. I'm happy to know that someone was really reading my random musings here on steemit.

It's sad things lose its charm right, even after staying in a beautiful paradise, there's still that part of me always looking for something more beautiful. I guess that what's making our lives more exciting.

I will check that out! Thank you.

Haha, thank you! :3 I just stumbled across your post!

Yes it does, but expectations grow higher as stunning views become the regular. Sticking to a place for a longer period of time might help you, so you grow to be more eager to wherever you're going next.

Look at it like a rollercoasterpark. If you go in the biggest, highest, steepest and fastest rollercoasters first, the rest doesn't seem that interesting anymore.

Maybe if you allow your expectations to lower, things will get better again. Also, maybe try looking for something else valuable but the views and the other touristic things. Do something you like, continue your hobbies aswell. Eventhough you're backpacking and don't have a home, doesn't mean you have to stop eg. going to the gym like you used to back at home. Try to find the other little things that give you pleasure. It can be anything! Certain activities like sports or even people. Eg. if you're into surfing try to find the most badass surfing spots and keep pushing your boundaries in those ways.

Maybe you're looking, but you're not looking in the right places!

I hope this might help you :)

Thanks @sjennon, for the motivational words. I agree with you, I have to lower my expectations, or I'd be disappointed all the time.

That's what I'm trying to do, find the joy and pleasure in everything. Perhaps I just have to learn how to accept the things I have no control of.

Yes, you're helping me. Like a good friend you are, talking to me right now. :)