Curation With Style: The Best of the Unmentionables Ep. 6 (24/9/17)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Warning: This curation list may cause an insatiable desire to join The Unmentionables and improve your writing - reader beware.

The best of The Unmentionables content (24/9/17) - curated with love.

(Huge thanks to @enchantedspirit for becoming our group curator - be sure to give her a follow and some love!)


The Curator's Choices

When the lead entry -- the top of the list -- is an article about bitcoin, you know it's something special. I wrote in yesterday's curated list post that cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize the world's economic and financial structures. Lo and behold, today we have an article from @selfishinvesting that not only confirms this is happening, but tells how it's being done.

No kidding, what's going on could quietly but relentlessly change the world. You have a front-row seat (and maybe a place at the table) to watch it unfold. You'll have to be the judge whether that's a blessing or not.

There is a Chinese curse that says: May you live in interesting times.

Welcome ... to "interesting times."

We are witnessing the first bitcoinization of a sovereign state


So, do you want to get in on this? Ask and you shall receive. (Ok, maybe it takes a little more effort than that ... but not much.) @ethandsmith tells you how. He's a wonderful writer. His explanations are brilliant. The guy is a natural teacher. If this doesn't get you going, it's hopeless.

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Heard About Mining, But Don't Know Where to Start?
Here's How to Start Today With Your PC!



This one is serious. I mean really serious. It stops you in your tracks and makes you think hard about your own values and "what's important."

It's a moral question of no small weight, posed by our own @neuromancer. It's not a clear-cut black-and-white issue. It makes you take a breath ... and take a stand. Your answer will take into account many factors. Sometimes, Life itself asks, "What would you do?"

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What would you do?


So, let's take a deep breath and bring up the lights. Putting light on worthy content is exactly what our industrious @shadowspub does with her list of terrific reading done daily on Steemit.

Her Steemit Ramble is a collection of posts that are informative, educational and fun. Occasionally some are all three. Step inside and choose some mind-candy. I promise the samples are delicious.


September 24 -- Steemit Ramble EP.124
Curating Great Posts for You



Need a vacation? I know. "Pictures of other people's vacations" are considered a classic groaner, something you sit through and smile over just to keep a friendship intact. But sometimes when you can't get away, you have to outsource the solution.

@awakentolife@ can help with that. He and his chunky-hunky buddies spent a week-end in Italy lately, and he brought back pictures of a national park. You can enjoy them, too -- and spare yourself the 9km hike. Have a look.


My Life's Journey
A first amazing weekend in Cosenza, Italy.
Part 2



@holbein81, it seems, is drinking his way around the world. Nice gig, if you can get it. Today it's Australia, before that, Switzerland. Next up, Belgium. (Ok, I cheated. I peeked.)

Actually he's reviewing different beers from these countries -- so in addition to stories about his (sometimes long ago) visits to these exotic lands, this post is a libation celebration. Beer, ale ... he's got all the bases covered.

Personally, I can't stand the stuff. But I'm one of the weird, the proud, the few. Beer's popularity tells me a whole lotta people don't see it my way. If you're one of the gang ... step inside and see what he's pourin'. You might just discover a brand new love.

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Beer versus Beer
Western Australia



From drinking beer to breeding goats. How's that for a segue? Homesteader @wholesomeroots is back again, this time with tips about big goats making little goats.

Breeding season on the farm is an important and serious matter. Not quite as bad as back in the days when, if you had a bad season for crops and animals, the larder was empty and the winter months could be cruel.

Still, whether you're an armchair farmer or a real-world worker actually out in the field, these are interesting essays. Who knows when the yen for a new hobby could strike ... if it hasn't already.


Are You Feeling Randy?!
10 Ways to Tell if Your Goat is in Heat!



As more and more people take back their lives, the call for support material grows. No reason it can't be quality stuff -- and in this case an improvement on tradition.

@apanamamama talks about the charm, appeal and effectiveness of the "living books" she uses in her homeschooling work. If you remember days of "public school classes" when you sat in a hard uncomfortable chair with a writing table attached, watched the clock and prayed for the bell to ring, you'll be as delighted as I was at the mere thought of books that teach by presenting a story instead of dry cold facts.

Yes, textbooks and encyclopedias will always have their place. But books whose style engages your interest and helps you remember what you read have got to be an idea to promote! How many kids did poorly in school, I've wondered, because the methods and presentation was so crappy? Show a kid something that interests him, and he'll eat you alive to get more. It's time educators took notice. Maybe some finally have.


What Are "Living Books" and How Do We Use Them In Our Homeschool?
Schoolhouse Saturday by A Panama Mama



Panda's Picks

The One True Panda has another bug up his ... um, project underway. It's about cryptocurrencies, surprise, surprise. It's got classes, a newsletter. It's called Coin Panda -- and here's your chance to get in on the start.

He'll be happy to tell you all about it himself. And I'll be happy to let him.


Changing the Face of Cryptocurrencies Globally
A Panda and a Mission (Coin Panda)



More, more more on the Coin Panda project, including the story of the art behind the logo. You owe it to yourself to check this out.

If you don't, remember ... you had your chance. You were warned.


03 Design - The Official CoinPanda Crypto


Visit our past posts!

Curation With Style No. 5
Curation With Style No. 4
Curation With Style No. 3
Curation With Style No. 2


Would you like the chance to see one of your posts featured here? Join our friendly writing-and-curating group The Unmentionables. Find us here: @unmentionable. Join us here -- on Discord. It's quick. It's easy. And you'll be glad you did. Three of the best reasons I can think of off the top of my head!

We hope to meet you soon on our dedicated Discord server -- where our awesome Welcome bot Mee6 will greet you and get you started. Then a real human will hustle along to help you further. At least that's how it's supposed to work. If the room is empty when you arrive, give it a few. Eventually, someone's bound to notice.


The author of this list of curated posts by members of The Unmentionables is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog. The opinions here are strictly hers ... but they're also very true! (With occasional prompting and cheerleading from @fatpandadesign. That guy has his fingers in every pie.)





These are some incredible posts - especially the one about "What Would You Do?"

I'm definitely following and am going to join the Unmentionables tonight!

Panda has mentioned you to me @psychsherpa. (Always all good things.) We look forward to you joining our group. (I haven't been in there yet this morning. Maybe it's already happened.) I have a feeling you and I share some unusual perspectives on life -- and yes, this article you've referenced spoke to me with special poignance, too. Thank you for noting it.

Yea! So glad you caught and liked my post about living books. Yes, this is the best method I've found for teaching my kids and I wish more people would adopt it. I love that my kids love hearing the stories - they beg for Robin Hood and it is a challenging read! I'm impressed what they learn each day from our readings. Thanks! :)

My younger brother is a teacher in the regular public school system and when trying to teach "literature" to his class -- especially when it was something dense and difficult like Shakespeare -- he organized the class, assigned roles and had the kids act out the play.

They absolutely loved it. They made so much noise with their "presentations" other teachers complained. So the principal of the school moved my brother and his class out to a temporary (barracks-type) building where they could "do their thing" and make all the noise they wanted.

Kids would beg to get into his classes every year. They remembered their roles and presentations long after the school year was over. If you can get children involved in learning, they will practically teach themselves. (They do that all the time anyway as soon as they find something interesting. Often, it's a matter of finding ways to make what we want them to learn ... interesting.)

My brother has a gifted, agile mind -- and he remembers how he hated school as a kid. He thinks of what would have made the experience more enjoyable for him ... and some of his solutions are terrific. When he teaches history, he does it by telling a story ... as if he was there ... as if he's retelling something that he witnessed. He does it in the language of everyday conversation. He makes smart remarks about some of the characters and their choices. He makes them come alive to the kids ... as he teaches about the political climate they lived in, the implications and consequences of certain decisions, the cleverness of how they "gamed the system," etc. It's like sitting around the pub listening to your buddy talk about "office politics" over drinks after work.

Again ... it's far more memorable than telling kids to "read pages 176 through 203 for homework tonight." Maybe they'll do that, maybe they won't. But when he's got them for an hour a day as a "captive audience" ... he tells them stories. And they remember the stories.

That is awesome! I love that he engages the kids. I'm sure it's A LOT more work to do it that way than to just read through the pages in the book. I can imagine that the kids are super excited to find out they are in his class. He sounds like a super fun teacher and I bet it carries over into other areas of his life as well. :) Thanks for sharing! We need more public school teachers like that for sure!

Excellent. Glad to be a part of this growing community. Looking forward to meeting and getting to know the members. @ironshield

Great nominations as always @enchantedspirit! ANd a HUGE thank you for pickin' up my Coin Panda article and spreadng the love - TWICE, actually :O

We seriously love your curation picks. I'm so so so happy I gave you the job <3

Thank you so much for all your support @fatpandadesign. I literally couldn't do it without you!

This is a fantastic possibility for the users. Plus it makes me work harder to make a better content for you guys :)

Thank you so much for your support, too, @rihardszaimonts. I'm so glad you see the value in the vision!

Is that money or what to do arrive at money?
Hahaha amazing post

Nice list of articles - thanks for picking up one of my beer ones!! Not sure it was quite as cerebral as some of the others...

We're not necessarily focused on cerebral, @holbein81. We're looking for articles that are interesting, informative, helpful, entertaining, "different" in some way -- and well presented. Yours certainly hit that standard. Your one on Switzerland would have, too, if it had been a little longer, a little more "filled out" -- and not up against the competition it had on that particular day. Just sayin'. (smile)

@fatpandadesign and I have talked about what happens when we start getting "too many good ones" regularly and in sufficient numbers. We're batting around solutions -- and always thinking ahead. Meanwhile, we're proud to have you as a member of the group. Your participation here and on the Discord server are always a delight. (I probably watch from the shadows lots more than people realize.)

Thanks for the nice comment!!
I will for sure keep posting and building SP. Often on beer or meat or something but sometimes I will mix it up, e.g. my post yesterday aimed at addressing spam direct messages, a new topic for me.

The group is great. I don't have as much time as i would like to hang out in discord,but I will continue to visit and chat whenever I can!


Upvoted and resteemed it. Hope I am a part of the group now and although this post was quite long, the blogs mentioned in it look really good. Have started going through them :)

Thank you, @aborjin -- I appreciate the love!! Truly I do. I would also like to speak to you privately on the Discord channel if you're able to find me around. I'll look for you -- you look for me -- and maybe with two of us working on it, we'll make it happen! (smile)