I Got A Concussion In Thailand

in #travelfeed7 years ago (edited)

Welp, I wanted to write a post about the super unique “Sticky Waterfalls” outside of Chiang Mai. But instead, you get to read about concussions. Fun!!

It’s kind of funny, really. I had a mis-communication with my Thai friend, Rit, again.

Luckily I just go with the flow and it's no big deal. Adventure always happens.

I asked if he wanted to go hiking at “Sticky Waterfalls.” That’s their nickname. They’re actually called Bua Thong waterfalls if you’re ever in the area and want to look them up and go!

He said sure, and picked me up and we drove to some waterfalls.

Now, the reason I wanted to go SO badly to the Sticky Falls is because in my mind, they’re a world wonder, and great for people who are accident prone like me.

Seriously, I fall down just walking on flat ground. I think it’s really fun for people around me! Free laughs at my expense! I hand them out like candy with as much as I fall down 😆.

Well, you know how normally, waterfalls are extra slippery because of the water on the rocks?

Well, these ones are actually sticky instead of slippery, so according to the internet, you don’t fall on them! The limestone rocks somehow help your feet magically grab onto the rocks with the superhuman strength of spiderman so you become invincible.

So..that’s a cool experience. I reaallyy wanted to feel those rocks underneath my feet.

Here's a picture of them that I was forced to steal from the internets because I never got to see them in real life:

You can just climb up these bad boys without falling. It's like being spider man for a day.

So I end up at some waterfalls with my Thai friend. I assume they’re the Sticky Falls.

Because reviews online said you won't fall down (and you should obviously believe everything you read online), I just walked straight onto the rocks, all confident, thinking:

I immediately fell flat on my back/neck/head/shoulders faster than you can say “fudge on a stick.”

I definitely ended up at the slippery waterfalls instead of the sticky waterfalls. And I'm definitely not as good of a climber as Spider Man 😔.

But something cool happened! He ended up surprising me and taking me to a temple that I’ve been wanting to go to! He didn’t know I wanted to go there, and I was dressed in my hobo nasty waterfall clothes but luckily they still let me in.

So, I like how I planned to go to sticky waterfalls but ended up at the temple I’ve been wanting to go to instead, haha.

It’s called Doi Suthep temple, and it’s one of the main attractions that everyone goes to when they visit Chiang Mai. It’s honestly super beautiful!!! And I’ve seen several temples since being here, but there’s something about the gold and the way this one surrounds you, and the scenery of the mountains and the city that just make it really worth going.


Those are just a few pics from the temple.

That was a few days ago, and I’ve had a headache since then so I went to the doctor, ‘cause I never get headaches.

If you want a doctor recommendation in Chiang Mai, this one speaks great English, costs 500 baht ($16 USD), and is apparently way better than the hospital according to basically everyone:


It’s about 45 baht to take an uber there. Seriously, I did lots of research. I just saved you lots of time. You’re welcome.

I have a slight concussion, so basically I’m probably going to be dumber than I was before…lost a few brain cells, can't find them. But that’s ok. Seems I’m not bleeding internally so yay!!! I’m excited!!


Do we need to do a search and rescue to find those brain cells? Or where they "lost" as in ...you purposefully had them terminated? wink wink

haha thats hilarious! Not that you fell and got a concussion, but the way that you tell the story. No internal bleeding is always a good thing.

The pictures you took look amazing as well. Thailand looks beautiful. I've never been but looks like a place I should go!

Haha yay I'm glad my head trauma can be a source of your joy 😀😆 Thank you!

Whaaaaaa? Sounds like you're okay, I hope you are! If it gets worse and you need to come to BKK PLEASE let @suitcasemama and I know if you need any hospital recommendations here. We've definitely had some medical misadventures over the years here and are happy to make any recommendations, can poke around for specific doctor recommendations as well. Wishing you a full recovery!

I officially love you both. Thanks!! A week ago and still have a headache but...eh? I'm surviving? Lol it's just weird because I haven't had a headache in over 3 years. It's a good excuse to got to BKK and hang out with you guys. I had to leave the country yesterday for a visa run so I'm in Kuala Lumpur now!

Yummm, have some nasi goreng for us! Seriously, don't hesitate to reach out head stuff is no joke! Consulted with @suitcasemama (a nurse by training). She said you're "probably fine" haha! Just watch for vomiting! And she said make sure you let us know when you're in town so we can show you our favorite Thai food, also very important for recovery!

wow thanks!!! I definitely agree that Thai food is important for recovery, haha. Maybe chocolate is, too.... yeah, I'm just gonna pretend that's what the doctor ordered.

Are you guys based in BKK forever?

Chocolate definitely! The more the better I hear!

I moved to BKK in 2013, here until at least 2020 :) Plenty of time to visit!

you are very adventurer !!! :D

hehe thanks! Sometimes too much!

but don't forget safety first, then adventure

Good point!

Wow, it is wonderful post.
I never see like this before.
I like your post.
Keep spirit @nomadicsoul.

thank you!

You are welcome

Wow what beautiful pictures friend, I keep the publication very good.

thanks! I'm glad you liked it

Never trust wet rocks. Never! Always stick your foot on it first to see if it's slippery!

You're lucky nothing worse happened, but I'm glad to hear you're okay and didn't have to spend too much at the doctor.

Thank you. I knowww... too trusting lol

wow that s amazing waterfall :)

Your photos are beautiful, glad to hear you are ok!

Sounds like you should go up to Pai and recover from your concussion. Get a bungalow by the river and spend your days reading and waiting for the night market to open up for some awesome food. That's what I'd do, anyway. Then again, I'd take anything as an excuse to return to Pai :)

I'm glad it doesn't sound too serious. Thanks for the funny post! The photos look awesome!

Oh noo! Hope you're well?! But i find the temple to be a good exchange :)

Their dragons look different. They have horns. I like the fact you take lightly how you keep falling. Maybe you should have that checked out, too. In their temples, do they have lots of beggars? There are places where they offer lots of offerings - food and money - but the food is thrown away and the money is used for the temple. However, there are beggars everywhere. Why not help the poor instead?

I have only been to Thailand once but only spent a couple of days in Bangkok and visited only Wat Pho. We were supposed to visit Grand Palace but there was a downpour when we got there so they closed it. By the time the rain stopped, the visiting hours is over so we went to Wat Pho instead. Doi Suthep seems better than Wat Pho, no?

Haha @leeart yeah I really do take it lightly I think because I'm so used to being clumsy!! lol I love that you love it. Sorry I'm just seeing this a month later?? I think we know why I forgot to come back and check the comments!

There weren't any beggars at all that I remember! But I agree about that because that exact scenario is VERY true in lots of temples and places of worship. I don't understand it either. I'm with you, help the poor.

I think Doi Suthep was better than Wat Pho. Angkor Wat was pretty cool, though! Wish you could've checked that out! You'll just have to do some more traveling!

Finally! haha!
But honestly, I forgot about this sheepish green
Hope everything is okay?
I want to travel more and that is what I goal. However, I want to go local this time. There are places I am missing a lot and they are deteriorating quickly sadly. I hope to see them in their beauty first.

Yeah, that waterfall looks pretty sweet, but I think you did ok with the temple.

Thanks for the doctor tip. I'm planning on going to Hanoi for a while, but I am also looking for a place to get an outpatient procedure done while I'm in SEA. Maybe I'll see if that doctor can direct me somewhere and stay in Chiang Mai for a bit.

You'll be all right. I'm older than you and haven't used most of my brains in years.

Slippery waterfalls and sticky waterfalls: same, same, but different!
It's life's little adventures, sometimes not the good ones, but for sure you make your mishaps turn into a joy to read Steemit blog posts. We're hope you're doing well now and enjoying your time in KL. Are you heading back to Chiang Mai or straight to Da Nang, Vietnam?

I ended up in Bali, somehow!! Lol where the wind blows, I guess

Where the wind blows indeed! How's it in Bali? We have friends (nomad couple) who ended up going back there as they had to pause their nomad year to obtain more finances to keep on travelling. We guess it can be a real struggle, but they are in a location that they want to be in. They found an instant connection with the place when they were there the first time (back in October/November)

Heyyyy hope you're okay. It seems the day turned out well so I'm glad about that. You don't need those few brain cells! Did you try walking around the Doi Suthep temple, like in circles? I just followed the locals but didn't know what was happening :D

I was supposed to do the Travel Tunes Tuesday but missed it. Hopefully next week! :) Take care <3

You can post it on Thursday, I don't mind 😀 haha yeah I just walked around the whole thing! Thanks for your comment... Nice to see you again! Yeah, who needs brain cells, anyway? Lol

Imagine building a hut next that waterfall and live there for a few weeks. Life is only limited by your own imagination. Thanks for sharing your story. Love your humorous writing.

#No internal bleeding yay!

Hahaha, I never saw that sticky fall neither. And I took a photo in Doi Suthep temple exactly the same angle as your 4th picture here!
You are right - “Go with the flow and it's no big deal. Adventure always happens.” That's also how I got to experience some awesomeness! =)

Edit: I just realized all other people here are worrying about you, so I come back to say sorry that I might laugh too much just now.

hahahaha I LOVE that you were laughing. I think I forgot to check comments on this one until just now, a whole month later!!!

Thanks for reminding me that I’m so specialweird, your posts are always too hilarious, I couldn’t help laughing. 😂 Sometimes I missed comments for a few days, but you win!

Hahaha I get distracted sometimes lol

I love the sticky waterfalls. Although the bike ride there was kinda far. Lots of body parts were numb by the time we reach there, if you know what I mean.

Chiang Mai is always a lovely place. We're migrating there in a few years too. Just came to Bangkok for a week or so.

Did you check out Pai? Lovely place, 3 hour ride, 762 turns, so better brace your tummy. But once you're there, it's a piece of heaven.

hahaha omg you rode a bike there??? Wow that's awesome. I'm doing that now when I go back. I want to be as cool as you. That's pretty far!!

I'm checking out Pai next time for sure as well. I was waiting to go there for when a friend came back

Oh no, I saw others did with bikes, but we decided it's not as safe since I had to go with Debbie, and that's like carrying 4 other bags too!

Ouuuch.... Man. No. Woman. I'm glad you're ok. That's a funny story. :) But, ouccchh.. Heheh. You'll just have to come back and try again! :D Suthep, much safer than non-stick waterfalls rock coatings :)