🍴Food Of The World - Weekly Round-Up #48

in #travelfeed5 years ago

Welcome to today's weekly Travelfeed Food Of The World roundup brought to you by @guchtere and @for91days.

One of our TravelFeed authors is taking home a triple win, taking home all the rewards from this post. I think we never had this in the almost one year of curation. The following three delicious posts will make us drool and urge for delicious Asian food. Starting out with a yummy, hot bowl of noodles. Then some bits and pieces of gorgeous sushi and then my favorite .... Korean BBQ! There is nothing better to sit with friends, have beers and grill.

Three BEST posts for Food Of The World

A quick recap - the post rewards of this curation post will be distributed as follows:

  • Half of the SBD post rewards will be paid out to the winning entries (please, expect a seven-day wait);
  • The rest of the earnings will be used to power up the @travelfeed account.

🔗 The thumbnails are directly linked to the original posts. Please, click on the image and enjoy the read!

written by @waybeyondpadthai

That raw pig blood spooned into the ladle. Then dip one side of the ladle into the pot with boiling soup to get some of the soup in and mix with all together. The blood cooked quickly in the ladle and yay! Pour into the bowls.

written by @waybeyondpadthai

Is that true so? Yes, so true! So delicious and so presentable so affordable, so Japanese. The place located at the pier called 'Wang Lang' just right by Wang Lang market and Siriraj hospital. If you still have no idea where I'm talking about, it's really close to Khao San Road and The Grand Palace.

Fatty pieces of meat. 'Samgyeopsal 'Bring it on Baby! 🇰🇷🐽
written by @waybeyondpadthai

The place we went called 'Seoul BBQ' located just by the BB Building in Asok area where all the business people hang out and work. That's why there are so many international food and all around! Good food! This place we went to is all you can eat Korean BBQ 299THB ($10) per person with 90 minute time limit. 'What!!?' Yeah, I did that unhappy face about the time and then ended up being super full since the first 60 mins lol

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://blog.travelfeed.io/%f0%9f%8d%b4food-of-the-world-weekly-round-up-48/


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