More bad news, most of you will never get to the trending page.
You just aren't that entertaining
Now that I have offended you, let's talk about it...
The biggest rewards on SteemIt are sitting there on the trending page mocking you. You wonder how long it will take you to get there, after all you have been working hard for 12 days and you haven't hit the trending page.
Here is the thing:
How skilled at writing are you? How funny are you? Most importantly, how entertaining are you? What makes you think out of 4k author's each day your post should be included in the top 10 or 20? I am not saying the trending page represents the best work on SteemIt. I think we all know it does not.
We could talk about the trending page and how it is fixed, and yes it is fixed, and yes, it can be annoying... But..
Focus on what you can control
That doesn't stop you from improving your work, generating a following and getting some votes each day. Please don't tell me how hard you worked on your post (maybe you are just slow) and how Bobby only uploaded a photo. In life success is often learning what is rewarded in the system and learning how to make that work for you. If you spend your time on SteemIt worrying about what everyone else is doing that is taking energy you could put into figuring out what you can do better.
Don't be a blockhead...
*original photo from pixabay and edited by @whatsup
Like anything else in life, success is a combination of hard work, good timing, luck and networking. So, improve your skills, ask someone you know in the real world to read your work and give you feedback. (not your mom) Start making friends by actually engaging with others, and improve your luck and timing by being here.
Don't quit your job unless you can afford to and understand the risks
Remember posting on SteemIt isn't about earning a wage for most of us, it is about speculation of where the price of Steem will end up, and we are simply mining Steem in a unique way. For real content creators this is a great opportunity and a chance to launch yourself. If you have decided to live off your SteemIt income, more power to you, but as recent events have shown us, SteemIt changes all of the time and trying to estimate what you might earn in the future can be tough.
So, although most of us will likely never make the trending page, there is a lot of opportunity to be found here. Don't give up... Keep looking for your niche. If you can't feel successful without hitting the trending page, assess your skills and if you have them, start marketing them.
What are your thoughts? Feel free to share in the comments.
*my own bad art
TL:TR version.
You suck, earn anyway!
Upvoted and followed! My upvote brought it to $11.11 -- "this one goes to eleven!" :)
I've been at it only a month and am over 300 followers, so I think I'm doing something right -- but can always improve! Thanks again.
But this one goes to eleven. I love that movie!
Thanks, and I noticed the reference in your "About" as well :)
Whoot... Just a few thousand more votes and I might earn 100 or so.. ;)
You're halfway there right now! :)
If you're a really talented writer with extraordinary luck you can make it to the trending page. For the rest of us I think an important key is simply being social, engage with others and work the long game. Maybe one day the trending page will be more than just a dream.
It's all about being creative and not necessarily talented. Persistence and an awesome attitude are a must. Steem On!
A huge part of the success here is who you know. Understanding that is part of the game. There is nothing wrong with that, it is how the world works.
Really talented writers will get known, it benefits the platform. Just because you didn't make the trending page, doesn't mean you aren't winning.
Here is the best advice I have heard since I joined steemit. I am not surprise it is coming from you. Can I say coincidence because I do not believe in fate?
Well the most important thing is that the advice you gave here is the summary of what every minnow needs to have at the back of the mind while navigating the cunning and murky steemit waters. Thank you.
@richguy - I really like what you are writing, in fact I would say your work is great. I hope you continue to work hard and figure out how to make SteemIt work for you.
Keep Steeming.
Thank you.
At least we can contribute with comments! Make a buck on your work break :)
Resteemed for real talk
Hey thanks for the resteem.
When you said most of us here aren't here for a wage and it's simply a way of mining steem that sums my reasons for being here really well.
I don't have ANY crypto currencies at all, no bitcoin or anything - and I know this is leaving me lacking diversity in my investments (they tend to be quite strange like whisky..)
By building up an account here at least I have my foot in the Crypto door if only a tiny bit! the fact I have actually really enjoyed my time here so far is an excellent bonus - because no doubt I would lose interest If i didn't.
I know I will never reach the trending page because I am not a skilled author nor do I write about "trending" topics, but I am happy doing what I can here and there with random posts about whatever pops into my mind at that exact moment.
Good job on getting into a great opportunity for great reasons. I have a feeling it will pay off for you.
Enjoyed your thoughts on this, never actually thought about getting on the Tranding page!
@awgbibb, your posts have to be on the trending page. You have awesome content.
Even if I never make the front page. So be it! I at least stopped giving money away for free to Zuckerbergs making their Zuckerberg bigger.
Indeed who checks that trend page anyway, I only look for new content and check my feed page...
WAIT, me posting content = me mining cryptocurrency???
Mind blown. (This is my first day on Steemit...)
I'm too old and boring to probably go trending, ever, so my strategy will be to pretend to not give a shizz. You think that will work?
OMG, the trending page is manipulated? Please link me to the exposé on that.
Does this pay better than Mechanical Turk?
Thanks for the pep talk... :)
Tomorrow I host a class on "Posting to demotivate the Newbs." wait for it. Welcome to SteemIt by the way.
LMAO can NOT wait
Demotivating people is easy enough, they tend to do it on their own when they aren't they aren't go-getters and hard workers... I still really think it'd be a great read though. XD
Oh hey..fresh meat!! LOL welcome to the best place in town!
Hehe, thanks!
This is very encouraging!
@whatsup, I'm thinking this post is absolutely trending now. Cherries are popping everywhere! Lol
Whoot! :) It's almost my one year birthday. Imma gonna trend one of these days.
I feel lucky to have found a forum where I can hone my writing and have a (sometimes abstract, but real) incentive to keep trying and improving. Not to mention a built in audience just waiting to be impressed. That alone makes Steemit worth it. I do not think about how to get on the trending page.
I'm happy to pick up pennies.
I love picking up pennies.
good things will come to those who are consistent and patient.
Weird Shit is the best. Steem On!
lol - every day.
I have to admit it , you are the one person in my follower list i enjoy following . It's a shame you don't post every day .
Thank you very much.
Well, I gotta admit I haven't the ambition to make it on the trending page; my writing skills in English are acceptable at best and the subject of my articles aren't very coherent at the moment to say the least. And that 's fine for me. Better to 'grow' naturally in a certain community than to force things and get burned (out) in the end.
Good article ... !
I am hoping it will trend! (lol)
I resteemed! Lol
You suck, earn anyway! lmao..I'd like to make that into a moo card ;) I wonder if I could get any joiners with some guerilla marketing using a card like that? Awesome advice.
lol, thank you for noticing. I loved that line too. hahaha. Use it if you want to.
I might just do that! I think it would be awesome, thank you!
Haha yea, we shouldn't be focusing too much on getting to the trending page. It was never my goal anyways. I like your "bad art" :D
I am becoming my own best fan of my bad art. I think it is amazing and should probably be on the trending page. :(
Oh your art definitely MUST be on the trending page :O
Great post, some people expect this to be like magic... You get out of it what you've put into it.
@whatsup, what's the trending page and I'm just wondering if I've ever been on there? Steem On!
lol, I think you had a day or two. I was close or on the bottom of it twice. I think it will be this one... I think it will be this one. ;)
I'm thinking you are there. I changed my upvote to 100% because I care. Lol. I always want you to kick ass on steemit. We go way back and I know or one year anniversaries are at the door. We are survivors!
Nicely put @whatsup. Steem on.
Thank you.
Notice in my video how the trending page has changed and not changed....
lol... Nice one. (this is not a spammy comment, or is it?) Love the video Stella.
it could be......but since the beginning of it relates to your topic....
i made a post about this, since yours reminded me of that trending page obsession that many have.
I no longer think about it though.
😂 Almost a year here and I'm still cold! BUT I have made enough money to help me significantly. And I like it here. I agree 100% ....dreaming of trending though!
You are worthy though, and you have put the time in, supported others... So, I will be the first to celebrate with you when you get there.
Aaaaw, likewise 😃
Your approach to this story was hilarious. Is it safe to say too many newbies have been asking how to cheat the system and get on the trending page without working hard?
lol, I am glad you get my humor, not everyone does.
That's a shame they don't get you. your mean but in funny way. Keep it light hearted
Great advice, I think that everyone needs to sit back a focus a bit more on the content and figuring out what it is that you want to put out there. This is not FB or Twitter. The more we create great and relevant content the higher the interaction will be for the author and other Steemians... and the better it will be for Steemit.
Agreed, good content is needed. I think spammy posts are fine, they just shouldn't earn much. Voter responsibility needs to also become "a thing".
An eyeopener I must say @whatsup. I'm really struggling to get noticed with my "3rd world" English skills. Your tips will be really helpful in the future I think.
If your English writing skills are low, work on making your content engaging and interesting. I live in the 1st world, (sorry can't help where I was born)
I would love to learn more about life in your world.. Help me to understand challenges I haven't faced, or pick some other topic that would engage those who would be your potential voters.
Sure thing @whatsup. That's what I am trying to do. I really appreciate you making some time to reply to me. If I can ask for a favour, would you mind going through my profile and checking me if I'm doing it right? It would be a big help.
Actually, I have. But only when the price was really low and there wasn't much competition.
I made it once... The very bottom and I think the reward pool was empty. lol
LOL I just saw the last part of this post @whatsup "You suck, earn away!" You SUCK 2 (lol) earn away! :)
Upvoted & Steemed - Hell I am even going to give this a Tweet! That said, I am going to give a support to a new User. @joedirt Only reason - None! Heck, the guy has a piss on this attitude and I like that! (lol)
What is a Trending Page? (Just kidding)
I don't look at the trending page and don't ever expect to see any of my stuff there. However, 2 or 3 days ago my account was worth $112.00 and today it is worth $150.00. The change in value is not because I earned all that money; I earned a few cents, but nowhere near $38. The value grew because the value of Steem has gone up. If Steem does what Bitcoin did and becomes worth $3,000 each, my 100 Steem will be worth $300,000.00 even if I don't earn another cent on my posts and curation. Not a bad return at all, I would say!
This post has received a 5.41 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.
I was told tonight you were a gal. Good on you, did not mean to address you as a guy. I'm new, I'm old and I'm stupid not to think about these things. I just loved your challenge (gal or guy) .. I thought it funny @hexdek16 mentioned this, but I did not see it either. You suck, earn anyway! ha,ha I like that rip!
If you didn't join Steemit with the early adopters and you're not already semi famous in the crypto / anarcho / libertarian world, don't sweat not making the trending page. You're right, @whatsup, worrying about that will suck your energy down an uncaring tube.
"Like anything else in life, success is a combination of hard work, good timing, luck and networking."
Exactly! And of those for things, the only one we can't control or improve upon is luck.
Also, while Steemit is great, it's important to diversify and it's ok to find and use other mediums to share the content we work so hard to create.
Thanks for the post.
I can not vote on his post @joedirt - because he asked for us not to vote for his comment here. So I gave you a vote & not him.
lol, I saw his post. I loved it.
I may not make it to the "Trending Page" in 2017, But now you inspired an ol' Booger like me to set a goal for 2018! (Which gives me 1.4 Years to work at it) ha,ha I never thought about competition here on Steemit, but hey an old salt loves a challenge. See you In 2018 @whatsup - I'll mark the date, Champ or Chump? will be my post! ha, ha Ps. Thank you for the inspiration - 26 Days here on Steemit.
[Edit: I am giving this a Re-steem so I can remember it] ha,ha - See I am learning 'markdown' codes already!
Great advice. The people who think they are gonna make it onto the trending page within a few days of joining and without learning about how Steemit works are gonna be the ones who burn out and leave pretty fast. Thanks for the post, very helpful for noobs like me.
I think I read one too many... OH NO, the trending page is filled with people who vote for each other posts.
Good job Sherlock. Carry on.
I am glad you found it helpful
Great post @whatsup! I compete with myself and cheer others on. Makes life less complicated.
There were too many worries in my fabulous blockhead man.
But you encouraged me, thanks. Now i will try again.
A fun entertainment
I would like to get on the trend page :) We should do some unique photos, Mozhezht, then we'll be lucky.
It didn't go unnoticed that you posted this same picture on several blogs with no comment. This picture hurt my scrolling fingers, please refrain from doing that again.
Excuse me, I will not do that again. I'm sorry that I caused you problems
Its ok article.
Your comment is less than ok. Why waste your upvote on ok? I'm super easy going but this comment pissed me off! Steem On!
Sorry Buddy did not mean to offend you or whatsup , I come from a non english speaking country , And were I come from ok means its good. Thats why i liked it and I upvoted it.
It's all good. I appreciate you clarifying
lol - I thought it was pretty funny. ;)
I meant it was a good Article. Its ok in my world means very good, however I guess I need to change the way I say it. Dont mind buddy.
I gave you an upvote & a resteem. I do not desire to "be that interesting" here. I am going to say this - I did not vote for @joedirt because he mentioned you in a post on steemit and asked for no upvotes. So I write this in protest.
ahhh. protest confuses me. :) lol.
I am not going to upvote this post or resteem it. I find it hostile in nature. I will say I read a members post and he said do not upote his post. I will not mention his name either, becuase this is a stupid post.
i suck :( :P
Its a helpful post how to arrange yourself into the right path. Thanks @whatsup