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Is it useful? hope is that thing with feathers? hope is that thing pandora left in the box of scary terrible…mrpointp (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 4 hours ago办事办到头发昏之前说过想把名下民办非企业转给他人,但因为主管部门最近正处于更换过渡期,过渡前和过渡后的部门都不方便签字确认,以至于拖延到了今天,说起这事就心烦,还花了几千块出具审计报告。 由于法人未更换,最近新项目新入职的职工购买保险、公积金这些事情还是得我来处理,周一我就向单位请了会假去政务中心办事。…mrpointp (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 22 hours ago山火肆虐洛杉矶Source 在我们眼里,美国有许多城市都负有盛名,比如华盛顿、洛杉矶、西雅图...最近有一座城市频繁上热搜,便是洛杉矶。如果对洛杉矶完全不了解,那一定听过“好莱坞”,它也位于洛杉矶县域内。…improv (72)in Freewriters • 14 hours agoFriend from Hell -5minutefreewriteFor Beelzebub was a sweet guy. He like black and white cookies. Tuxedo cookies. He liked dunking them in coffee, in Earl Grey tea, and in milk. Sometimes he'd have all three…justclickindiva (76)in Freewriters • yesterdayUnit 209 - The Uncooperative Tenant (Part 1) | 9 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2612 | Prompt: the worst resultSource... The sun poured through the third floor window. Another day had dawned on Unit 320 of the Northridge Brownstone Complex, bringing with it fresh hopes for a…felt.buzz (75)in Freewriters • 7 hours agoWhat Is The Meaning Of This? a five minute freewriteThe door swung open, hitting the wall behind it with a bang. I looked up startled. "What's the meaning of this?" Klir stood in the door frame, brandishing a piece of paper. His…latino.romano (73)in Freewriters • 5 hours agoSpanish Freewrite 13 de enero de 2025 - Mensaje diario de 5 minutos Spanish Freewrite para hoy lunes 13 de enero de 2025 Algunas personas piensan que no pueden escribir, que es un don que no han recibido, sin embargo, en la @freewritehouse…mrspointm (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago「生活」表姐家的幸福时光我毕业后就进入了现在的单位上班,已经有12年多了,虽然这儿离家也不算远,也就一个多小时的车程,但始终没有归属感,朋友亲人都不在身边,有时候遇到啥委屈都感觉没人诉说,直到后来我成家了,才开始慢慢习惯这里。…lovequeen (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 22 hours ago來蹭美食/豐盛美麗的尾牙宴說來好笑,我這個沒在上班的人也有尾牙可以吃,前幾年有蹭過出版社辦的尾牙宴,整桌子不是老闆老闆娘就是編輯們,吃起飯來好像也不怎麼自在,所以也很多年沒參加了,沒想到今年還有機會再來蹭出版社的尾牙,一桌子的菜,真的是吃的我眼睛好飽啊,哈哈。 這道菜是龍蝦炒飯,我的最愛,只可惜東西重質不重量,真的每人只能吃一小口。 這道紅燒豆腐也是超好吃,香濃入味,口感甚好,還有海鮮干貝入菜,高貴的很啊。abelarte (50)in Literatos • 9 hours ago¿Es peligroso el ego para los escritores?Hola, amigos escritores de #santiagodecuba y del resto del mundo, por supuesto. Esta pregunta va para todos los escritores del mundo: ¿Es peligroso el ego? De responder sí:…lovequeen (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago冬日裡的美味饗宴/勝博殿大顆牡蠣餐好一陣子沒來勝博殿用餐了,之前忙著和另外一群朋友四處去探店,這回和另一位好朋友約在這裡用餐,因為這個地點對我們來說是中間點,對彼此都比較方便,重點是,這家的腰內豬排很好吃,小菜也超級好吃,更別提大顆牡蠣了,根本就是必吃的啊~~ 整間店走日式風格,所以店門前的櫻花樹似乎也成了必備招牌,印象中這幾年來拍的照片都有美美的櫻花樹?而且在這棵樹旁邊拍的自拍照都特別美,哈哈,可以說是挺適合打卡的地點。stinawog (66)in Freewriters • 15 hours ago5 Minute Freewrite: coalition of hopeFind the prompt here: Coalition of hope. I like this prompt. I think it could fun to write about a fictional "coalition of hope," and if I weren't so dead tired, perhaps I…nostalgic1212 (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 8 hours ago「Vicky’s 听剧笔记」《十四分之一·归来》(第十夜)·下篇 PART 2孩子修改过的密码居然还是特殊意义,据说是撒旦的生日。孩子随意凭潜意识按下的数字为什么刚好是这个?按照教授的说法,生命中有三个6的孩子,居然那么巧? 呼唤他回来的使徒是男主,第66天撒旦完全复活,世界将沦为地狱?爱子心切我可以理解,但做到这一步难道没有什么玄学的影响么?果然那个年轻盗墓者有问题!…bonzopoe (72)in Freewriters • yesterdayImaginarios 132: "Roto / Broken" (5 minute freewrite) [ES / EN]Fuente / Source VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Roto Te diste cuenta solo gracias a tu sombra que un día dejo de seguirte y se planto frente a ti. Y pudiste verla vuelta…stinawog (66)in Freewriters • 14 hours ago5 Minute Freewrite: friend from hellFind the prompt here: Friend from hell My friend from hell is coming to visit. I like the idea of a friend from hell, where hell is a literal place, but is also the…stinawog (66)in Freewriters • 14 hours agoFor A Picture is Worth a Thousand WordsFor: Ah, my dear, I know it wasn't intentional, your turning into a dog. I wish I had known what to give you before it happened. Now I know. I'll pet you, I'll play with you…deeanndmathews (78)in Freewriters • 18 hours ago12 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2615: coalition of hopeImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Because it was a day of celebration, all the adults around the Ludlow grandchildren and Trent and Stepforth little ones decided to let…latino.romano (73)in Freewriters • 22 hours agoSpanish Freewrite 12 de enero de 2025 - Mensaje diario de 5 minutosSpanish Freewrite para hoy domingo 12 de enero de 2025 Algunas personas piensan que no pueden escribir, que es un don que no han recibido, sin embargo, en la @freewritehouse…