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RE: Justin Sun, This is how you win our support...

in #tron5 years ago

Hi @whatamidoing

We are an intelligent and diverse community, and we can be a bit difficult

Just a bit? :) I love our chain, however I've witnessed enormous amount of wealthy and entitled users. Anyway back to main topic ....

If you don’t win us over, you’ve added a new tool to your arsenal.

Wouldn't you think that it should be mutual effort? So far Justin doesn't act hostile, but he encountered huge amount of open hate and many users are challenging him.

My impression is that for many "small people" current takeover may be nothing more than changing 'ruling party'. Those in power will change, but show "must go on". And it will. With current whales (of which many are very hostile towards users) or without.

Also would you perhaps know how much STEEM did STINC sell on the market on monthly basis to cover their expenses? I stronly believe that Justin will not be pressured to follow this strategy. That would greately reduce SELLING PRESSURE. Wouldn't you agree?

I remember years ago FB bought Instagram. Even more worries and fear took place at that time. And few years later both exist: FB and Insta. Perhaps there is lesson to be learned here.

I decided to be optimistic. I wrote more about my own approach to this issue in my latest post (link here). Check it out and drop some comment :)

Solid read. Upvoted already :)
Cheers, Piotr


Making the best is all we can do.

I try to constantly remind myself that it’s the bad cases that always stand out in our mind when we find them and that we don’t need the masses to be the same as us to build a strong community with influence. The way I’ve always seen it is that my only loyalty is to community and people, so as long as we are connecting and building our power together, good will come of it!

I just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Big thx.
Cheers, Piotr