Sword Dancing

in #truelovelast year (edited)

As a female human being growing up in America...you hear a lotta love stories.

From 'The Start.'

Dizz-ney and their Wicked Witches make sure you always feel like you need a savior on a white steed.

No one ever translates Revelation for you, though.



And while you are drowned in curses and spell-breaking kisses they make sure you're nice and doused in Jezebel simultaneously.



Seduction airs while we Wonderrrrrr, I Wonderrrrrrr...why the Perfect Prince doesn't find us flawless for 'Who We Are.'

We're sold that we're Dorothy while they swap us out for the Wicked Witch of the West.


I got who I thought was a Hot-Shot that turned out to be just-a-guy who boasts in the Lord and walks a tightrope while spinning plates discerning spirits, recognizing patterns and sharpening his sword on the daily.

I got an accountability partner who won't look at another woman with anything less than respect unless he has to look away because he's been warned by the best.

I always wanted a guy who loved me for me and who I would become.

This was far before I knew who He would have me indwell. And who He would have me battle. And who He would have teach me who each of them were. What their traits were and why they conflicted. How to know which one you were being influenced by.

Had an Earth Dweller been handed what we have they would have crumbled in months.

There's no way they would have gone through what we have and survived.

Lesser men undwelled would have walked away gladly from the words I have spoken in anger, confusion, frustration, despair.

Lesser men would hold cards to stack, flashing them at me in weak moments, reminding me of my weakness.

The one I have reminds me of who I have, who I need, what I should do and how strongly I am contended for.

He is patient and kind.

He does not envy or boast.

He is not arrogant or rude.

He does not insist on his own way.

He is not irritable or resentful.

He does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

He bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

His love never ends.

I got to witness the total transformation of another human being by the Spirit of Christ.

I got to watch a man walk a tightrope in America over the falls with grace and ease and endurance til it was rote for him.

While he rescued me over and over, snatching me from the Fire, while he forgave transgressions against him that hurt while I was learning about hammering nails into the flesh of Christ, this time with conscience and without practice beating my body, wearing a number in a race I didn't understand I was in yet.

He didn't kiss me awake, he told me avoid spellcraft.

He is my watchman.

And when Jezebel rebelled Mary abided in her unending love of Jesus.

She wasn't tolerated nor indulged, nor did she surprise or entertain.

It isn't his, it isn't mine, it isn't even ours.

It's His.

I've never seen or known anything like it to exist.

Everybody's love story is special.

I still can't believe I get to live this one, not just witness it or know of it...but live it.

Just you know why
Why you and I
Will bye and bye
Know true love ways

Sometimes we'll sigh
Sometimes we'll cry
And we'll know why
Just you and I
Know true love ways



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