Black Mirror Season 4 - My Personal Thoughts

in #tv7 years ago

Hi Everyone,

In my last post about Black Mirror I had only finished Season 4 Episode 3.

I wasnt super impressed with the first 3 episodes, and wasnt really interested in continuing on with the rest of the season, but a few friends as well as Steemians said that Season 4 Episode 4 is the best episode in all 4 seasons so that got me back on board!

I wanted to say a few words about each episode - why I disliked the first few and what I did like. So if you don't want spoilers I encourage you to stop reading!

Episode 1 - USS Calister

This episode explores a company that has created a virtual video game where you have control over everything within the game. The developer of the game was fed up of real life and the people who made his real life hard so he steals their DNA and uploads them into his private mod of the game.
When I first watched this episode, it wasnt nearly as fucked up as I was wanting it to be. I was expecting my world to be rocked and to really believe that something like this could happen in the future. But I was left feeling the opposite. I didnt think it was very creative in the story line. Of course the newest member added to his modded world was going to figure out how to get them out of there.


Looking back now though, I did really like the idea of this episode and I thought the actors were all really good. I also loved the special effects. The secretary's blue skin as well as the crews outfits - I thought that was very aesthetically pleasing. Also - side note, I loved Aaron Pauls camo at the end!

I rate this episode 6 out of 10 zombies!

Episode 2 - Arkangel

In this episode a child goes missing - once found, the mother never wants to experience such things so the company "Arkangel" implant a device into the child which allows the mother to monitor her ever moves on a tablet. She can also block her from seeing things that may harm her such as blood/violence on tv. When the daughter grows up the mum decides to put the device away. That is until the daughter goes missing again - so the mum brushes off the old tablet and see's far more than she is wanting to see. The daughter finds out and loses all trust in the mother.

Again, going into this episode, I was not at all shocked. I can of course imagine this being a technology we see in the future, but the story line really didnt grip me. It was just a classic story of a teenager wanting freedom from her mum, just adding the technology behind it. That being said, I did love the portrayal of the teenager, she fit the role perfectly!

I rate this episode 4 out of 10 zombies

Episode 3 - Crocodile

A couple are driving on a highway and accidently kill someone, they then go to lengths to cover up the accident. Years go by and the couple have split. The lady has remarried and has a successful career - and also randomly a major hair cut & dye? One night the old boyfriend visits her at the hotel she is staying at wanting to confess about the murder. In turn, the lady doesnt agree and decides to murder him too. Simutanuosly while she is freaking out about what she has just done, there was an accident in the street below that she witnessed. An insurance lady is investigating this crime and has a memory recall machine that is able to depict memories on a screen. Of course the insurance lady see's the murder - meaning she too now has to die. Then this lady goes to the lengths of killing the insurance lady's partner and child.

Yup this episode was fucked up - but only for the reason of being fucked up. I didnt think it was at all good and all it left me feeling was that I didn't want to continue on with Black Mirror.

I rate this episode a 3 out of 10 zombies. - Some points for the aesthetic location

Episode 4 - Hang The DJ

This was the episode everyone was raving about! A new dating app that matches you up with people & simulates the relationship 1000 times to give you the one true match that is 99.8% accurate.

The storyline was really sweet and I found myself smiling quite a lot throughout, but I didn't think it could be deemed as the best episode of Black Mirror ever. Although a lot of people praise Black Mirror for their relationship episodes, I don't enjoy them as much as the episodes that really make you think. But that being said, looking at it as a stand alone, it was very nice to watch!

I give this episode 6 out of 10 zombies!

Episode 5 - Metalhead

This episode seems to be based in a post-apocalyptic world where supplies may be small. A lady promises her sister that she will travel to go get something for what seems to be her husband who is unwell. The lady and 2 others visit an abandoned warehouse to find supplies when an old robotic guard dog becomes active again. She then spends the entire episode trying to lose the dog. Also - the whole episode is shot in black and white.

Well, the black and white thing really put me off. The dog itself looked like terrible CGI, but I liked the idea of it. There's not really much to comment on to be honest, I found the episode very boring and it was all to find a teddy bear for her sisters son. It was meant to be sweet, but it was just a shitty storyline and the tech behind it was mediocre and unimpressive.

I give this episode 2 out of 10 zombies!

Episode 6 - Black Museum

This is the final episode of the season - a girl travels all the way from the UK to visit her dad on his birthday. Her car runs out of battery and she stops at the Black Museum while it charges. In this museum it features everything technology based that has been involved in crimes AKA everything from the precious Black Mirror episodes. Plus 3 new stories told by the owner of the museum.

Story 1 - A surgeon who gets an implant that allows him to feels the patients pain. He then get addicted to the pain and finds pleasure in it. He then is no longer allowed to work with clients as he is letting them die for his pleasure. He then starts inflicting pain upon himself.

I bloody LOVED this story. THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING BOUT WHEN I SAY FUCKED UP! It was believable because that's what addiction really is like. THANK YOU BLACK MIRROR!

Story 2 - A mum gets hit by a car and left in a coma & the husband is advised to transplant her conscious into his brain. SHe can see, feel & taste everything he is doing. But he was living his life with a backseat driver for the rest of his life. Ultimately she then gets transplanted into a stuffed toy monkey and can only say "Monkey loves you" and "Monkey needs a hug" and still to this day she is in the toy monkey.

This story was a bit more average but I still liked it a hell of a lot better than the previous episodes! It was fucked up because if that technology did exist, thats exactly how it would go.
I think the actors did a phenomenal job in this episode!

Story 3 - a man sentenced to the electric chair is then transported out under the influence that once he is gone, he was still able to provide for his family. But in fact he was just made the major attraction at the museum where people could also give him the electric chair!

This story is linked to the girl who is visiting the museum this day - she is the electric chair victim's daughter, there to set him free (so to speak) and torture the museum owner.

All in all this episode was great and tied in so nicely, and it had a plot twist I didn't see coming which I really enjoyed!
It was definitely my favourite episode of the season!!

I give this episode a 9 and a half zombies out of 10!

All images source from Here!

Overall this season of Black Mirror wasnt the best I have ever seen, but I still really enjoyed it and would recommend others to watch too and to let me know what they think!

WHat was your favourite episode?!

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Stay excellent!


I had some very different reactions. You can find my over all season "grades" here:

And so far I've reviewed the first two episodes:

One thing we can agree on, the Aaron Paul voice cameo was great. I looked it up and he apparently loves Black Mirror and did the cameo on the condition that it wouldn't preclude him appearing in person in another episode. I'm looking forward to that.

Hey, thanks for the comment. I had a flick through your blogs on the first 2 episodes (I'm sorry my brain is absolutely fried after my first day back at work :( ) and I do agree on some parts. I am surprised you rated metalhead so high on your overall season rating! Curious to see a more in depth review on this one from you :) Cheers!

Im trying to watch this too, I just read episode 1 of your post, didnt want to get spoilers :) i remember pausing that episode trying to see why Matt Damon look, a little different. haha! anyway im still at season 2, just happened to watch season 4 episode 1 by mistake, I thought I pressed season 2 episode 1.

Oh you'll have to tell me what you think!!!!!!! I'm really keen to know! :)
Thanks so much for stopping by though, I really appreciate it!

well to start off, I watched season 1, episode 1 and 2. (i passed 3, didn't feel interested) I really liked episode 1, its so disturbing. I haven't really started with season 2, Then that USS Calister, It's like playing The Sims, without the DNA lol.

I heard from friends that they liked episode 3, maybe because there's an architect? because we are, by profession

I guess i can watch episode 3 of season 4 next, there's really no difinitive order yes? I just started watching over the holidays

I had forgotten what season 1 was like because I had accidentally started from season 3! The very first episodes is one of my favourites, it's definitely fucked up and has had a lasting memory for me. I think about that episode a lot haha.
The talent show was also pretty good, I really liked the concept.
It's a shame you didn't watch episode 3, I quite liked it. Not it's absolute best episode, but I think it's good :)

You can definitely watch them in what ever order you want! I think there are theories of the episodes being connected somehow but I haven't read any of those haha

Yeah I saw a post about connections while i was writing my last comment, i needed to cheat on titles and storyline of the episodes i have watched. I haven't got the tike to watch again, I guess things got busy specially upon starting on this platform haha!

Haha, I will have to look some up! I know what you mean, so little time and soooo many tv shows to watch!

I know good thing tv shows can wait for us know. Unlike before. You have to be home by this (blank) time

Black mirror is a weird tv Show... And i really love the first 3 seasons. I only have one episode left from this last season.

I totally agree, is not the best of Black mirror.. Still i enjoyed most of the episodes except the metalhead one..

have you watched Rick and morty? (i know is kind of mainstream right now, but theres to much to talk about R&M)

It's 100% the weirdest show, I love it! Hahaha. You'll have to let me know what you think of the last episode, I think it's amazing but haven't heard any hype about it, yet I heard heaps of hype about hang the dj! (What are your thoughts on that episode?)

Yeeeeeesss I love rick and Morty! Great tv show, I've watched all the seasons about 6 times through now ! Hahaha we can definitely have a lot of conversations about this show!!!

Thanks so much for the comment!

Hang the Dj was really crazy xD.. is one of the episodes that i liked the most of this season. The idea is great. I think sometime people need to go out with a lot of people just to learn how to behaveon a relationship and the final twist! i didnt see that coming xD...

only 6 times? thats no no no not enough to get all the information out of each episode..

I am glad you enjoyed the episode, I thought it was really beautiful, I just wanted more "WTF" stories haha.

Haha okay I'll watch it 100 more times then we can talk about all the info in each episode :P

Let's make a trend on that then..
one episode, one post, and lets the battle begin!!! at least we can start as a debate between of us... maybe some more people share with us their thoughts

Hmm, cant please everyone i guess.
After watching 3 seasons of Black Mirror some of the endings were expected.

Crocodile... was very well executed, the plot and the ending.. the real ending with the hamster/ rat thing in a cage... thats a solid 10/10 in my book.

3/10 lol, wow

As if the guinea pig was even necessary. She was doomed the minute she hit the investigator. Her files and the reports she'd submitted up to that point would be a paper trail leading right to the murderer. On top of that the episode also just completely forgot about the hotel clerk another witness who could lead the cops right to the killer. Crocodile tries to be one of those "It was the perfect murder, except for one mistake!" type stories but actually it was dozens of mistakes. There was no way she would get away with it.

In fact the guinea pig was the last thing that should have done her in. Those things have terrible eyesight, it wouldn't have seen crap.

I saw the guinea pig's role coming from a mile away. They made such a big deal when the insurance ladies partner bought it - that I knew it had to play a part at some point.

And as @G-com says there were many mistakes that came from this episode. The paper trail - the guy who was hit would of followed up with the insurance company and another insurance person would have gone through the exact same process.

My biggest problem was that the only way the recall machine worked was by the insurance lady asking the witnesses questions and getting the person to really imagine what was going on in that exact moment. But when it came to the pet, they got it instantly? Didn't need to jog it's memory with the smell of beer or play it a song? I should have mentioned this in my review above. And I thought that the baby being blind was a bit, eh - it added a bit of sadness, but i wouldnt call it a plot twist. It added one extra line of dialog and that was it.

Sorry for the rambles, I am glad you liked it, I dont at all want to take that away from you. But just my personal opinion.

Was Crocodile your favourite episode??

@zombabejoy i just saw Black Museum, is the best ep from this last season, what a fucked up mind writte this stuff??. lol

Hahahaha! That's what I love about it! So fucked, but so good! I hope you enjoyed it?!

i thinkl they save all the crazyness for the last ep.

Hahaha I think you may be right!!!

I startet blackmirror with the series 4 first 3 parts. I like this kind of stories. Not every story is great. But after this 3 parts i started with season 1 part 1 .. and i am not far away to finish the season 4 :)

By the way your post is very detailed - i like it.

My favourite episodes: season 4 part 1 (star trek in a bottle) and season 1 part 1 (animal love)

(upvoted and followed)

If u like action figures take a look in my blog


Oh yay I'm glad you also enjoy the show! That's awesome. And thanks for the feedback. I was worried that the post was too long/detailed. But I'm glad it was well received and now I'm encouraged to continue writing about tv shows! :)

Thank you for the follow, upvote and comment. Followed you back and will check out your stuff now :)

... yesterday i finished the season 4. The last part is imho a good one too.

Penn Gilette (of Penn and Teller) wrote the pain-addicted doctor story.

Oh cool!! I did not know that! Love it!