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in #u7ora9pt84 years ago

Snapchat adds mental health tools to ease coronavirus anxiety

"Snapchat is updating its app with a set of mental health tools meant to help users combat anxiety and depression. The feature, called "Here For You," was first previewed in February, but the company says it opted to speed up its release in response t..."


NASCAR is replacing canceled races with esports featuring pro drivers

" Sports leagues and broadcasters are scrambling to fill the void now that many live competitions are cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for NASCAR and Fox Sports that means venturing into relatively uncharted territory. They've announced an inaugural …"



" いよいよ3月から次世代のモバイル通信「5G」がスタートします。「日本は1年遅れ」など散々言われていますが、日本での立ち上げから1年はスロースタートになりそうです。 なぜなら、5Gで使う周波数帯はこれまでの4G LTEより扱いが難しいから。特に超高速通信実現の要となる「ミリ波帯」の利用開始は、ドコモでは3か月遅れの2020年6月以降に開始、ソフトバンクは2021年度からと5Gの開始よりもさらに後になります。"


Siriに頼んでテキストを「ながら聞き」しよう:iPhone Tips

" iPhoneのテキスト読み上げ機能をご存知でしょうか。ウェブサイトやメールなど、範囲選択した本文を自動で読み上げてくれるというものです。"


Tesla suspends work at Fremont plant, will comply with shelter in place order

" Wide swaths of the Bay Area have been under semi-lockdown since Tuesday when seven counties issued shelter in place orders, barring residents from travel unless in need of essential supplies and effectively shuttering many businesses. Come March 24th..."


オフィスを壊してスッキリ!理屈不要の3Dアクション『Smash the Office』:発掘!スマホゲーム

"【連載:発掘!スマホゲーム】 星の数ほどあるスマホゲームの中から、話題になっているもの、気になったもの、何か面白そう、そんなタイトルをひたすらご紹介していきます! 今回ご紹介するのは『Smash the Office』です。 発掘!スマホゲーム連載一覧 『Smash the Office』はTuokioより配信中の3Dアクションゲーム。バットやゴルフクラブ片手に、とにかくオフィスをめちゃくちゃに荒らしてスコアを稼ぎましょう。"


Essential designer shows off the phones that might've been

" Earlier this year, Essential, Android creator Andy Rubin's once high-profile phone startup, shut down. Besides Project Gem, a concept device it teased late last year, the company had released only one phone: the striking but flawed Essential Phone. However, n…"


Essential designer shows off the phones that might've been

" Earlier this year, Essential, Android creator Andy Rubin's once high-profile phone startup, shut down. Besides Project Gem, a concept device it teased late last year, the company had released only one phone: the striking but flawed Essential Phone. However, n…"


2015年3月20日、日本通信から初代「VAIO Phone」が発売されました:今日は何の日?

" 日本通信とVAIOの協業成果第一弾、独自のスマートフォンとして投入されたのが「VAIO Phone」。"


Microsoft's DirectX 12 Ultimate brings ray tracing effects to more games

" More efforts are underway to bring ray traced visuals to more of your games. Microsoft has introduced a DirectX 12 Ultimate framework that makes ray tracing and other visual effects both more efficient and more flexible. A new inline ray tracing technique giv…"



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