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RE: Low season in a mountain village

in #ua β€’ last year

What a lovely place, my dear! πŸ™‚ weather and accommodation don't matter if you are in a good company and you had the best company, so all good πŸ˜‰

We have such churches in my region too. I love visiting them.

That restaurant looks so cozy. I'm sure it's something what you really needed. And the food looks delicious. It's similar to Slovak cuisine - lots of calories but yum!

Enjoy your day off! 😘

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And the food looks delicious. It's similar to Slovak cuisine - lots of calories but yum!

That's true πŸ˜„ The fact itself that I don't have to buy, cook and wash is a gift! But I remember from my childhood, they eat like this once a day, at best. All other look like a snak . And they workout daily! I cant walk so easily up and down the hills as they do. 😊