The SNP look like they are toast

in #uk8 months ago

The Rutherglen and Hamilton by-election results are out, and woah, what an upset!

People had thought Labour might take the seat off the SNP with an 8% lead, but this is how it turned out:

Labour 58.6%
SNP 27.6%
Conservative 3.9%
LibDem 2.9%
Greens 2.0%
Reform 1.3%

Obviously, caveat that turnout was 37% compared to 60% in the general election, some people couldn't be bothered to vote. And people use by-elections to "send a message" as they know the govt isn't at stake.

But still, this is beyond what anyone expected. People were clearly very angry at the previous MP who put the public in danger by travelling while ill with covid before the vaccine roll-out. They were angry with the SNP for various scandals like Caravan-gate. And unionists were furious that nearly a decade after the Scottish referendum, the SNP was refusing to accept that No had won.

Rumours that this election was close seems to have prompted Conservative and LibDem unionists to lend their vote to Labour to ensure the SNP defeat.

So what happens now? Have voters got their fury out of their systems, and will return to the SNP at the general election? Or are they in the process of making a permanent break with the nationalists?


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