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RE: Libertarian hypocrisy.

in #ukraine2 years ago

For those who say: "yes, but"
I say: NO BUT!!! There are a criminal with nuclear power in his hands that is ocuppating other country and make childrens leave their homes!

First stop the war and after let's look at the "but".


Theres always a "but".
Those that only focus on the "but" are either absolute hypocrites or have an agenda.
And twitter is full of them.
I knew that when eventually the left gets 1 right the rightwingers and the libertarians will turn into morons in large numbers, but I didnt think it would be over this.

I don't give a shit to left or right!
I just care about childrens suffering because a crazy guy decide to invade other country!
Childrens are not left or right!!! Human Rights are not left or right, are Human Rights!!!