My first time under shelling, I panicked a bit.

in #ukraine7 years ago (edited)

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Shocking video man. Even these unplanned, accidental glimpses into the reality of the world are super valuable. It's too easy for westerners to live in a bubble, without any conception whatsoever of the dangers just outside.
You've got my support Patrick, I'll be sharing this with others.
Try to stay safe.

It's been a terrible time, I'm with my daughter about 2 months in the basement he lived in August 2014...

The first few vibrations of the bombs scare the shit out of you, the near hits of bullets make you wonder what the hell you're doing in a place like that while there are much safer places to be. As long as you remember that you are doing this so others will know what is happening - so others can see what is actually happening - hoping that somehow your exposing of these terrible situations will be stopped by what you are doing. The fear never leaves you when the vibrations come but you don't flinch as much and you concentrate on what you are there to do. As a Marine I know exactly how you feel - keep up the good work, we may not be with you in person but we are with you in spirit

wow I'm in your place and I will not know what I would have done. I love this publication, that is, the video that you recorded. regards

What cruise you spent that night friend!

Citizen – Why is our army fighting in the Donbass?
Poroshenko – Because the Russian army is there.
Citizen – And why then doesn’t our army fight in Crimea?
Poroshenko – Because the Russian army is REALLY there.