What is the largest cult in the world?

in #ungrip7 years ago

I've been accused of being in a cult many times.  Out of curiosity, I went out to explore what a 'cult' is and felt it prudent to examine my own behaviours and those around me to see if these accusations are true.  As I'm sure most of my blog followers are familiar, the first step I usually take is to define the word so that we are all on the same page:

Cult - 1. Worship 2.  A particular form of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies.  3.  Devotion to a particular person or thing. - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958

Just to make sure there is no confusion, I decided to look up 'religion' as well.

Religion - 3.  Action or conduct indicating a belief in, reference for, and desire to please, a divine ruling power; the exercise or practice of rites r observances implying this.  6.  Devotion to some principle; strict fidelity or faithfulness. - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958

My thoughts

What most people don't realize is that the word 'cult' comes from the word 'culture' and although my culture and customs may seem unorthodox to the vast majority of people, it is not any less valid or relevant than other people's culture or customs.  I know that the word has many negative connotations to it as a result of violent groups that have been formed over the years.  These groups have been labeled a 'cult' by the state in order to demonize them in the eyes of the public, whether they engage in violence or not.  

 Sub-categories of cults include: Doomsday cults, political cults, destructive cults, racist cults, polygamist cults, and terrorist cults. - Wikipedia (cults)

While my culture and customs are founded on peace, freedom, prosperity and love, there is one violent cult that has managed to elude this negative cult label and it needs to be exposed as one; the state.  The governments of the world claim divine ruling power which matches the 3rd definition of what a religion is.  I did not bother sharing the other definitions as there is not many people on this planet who are actually engaged in those types of religious activities.  How can I make such an absurd statement like that?

 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love  the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  - Matthew 6:24

So despite the fact that people believe in 'God', 'Allah', 'Creator' or what other term or words you choose to use, if you are a citizen of a country, paying your taxes, following their rules and swearing fealty to the Queen (or what ever leader you may have), bowing down before her, following her rights and traditions, then by definition you rejected your 'god' and serve another master as a member of a religious cult founded on violence, theft and genocide.  Participation with the state fits both definitions AND the demonized definition put out by propaganda, as listed by Wikipedia.  The Church is the root organization for governments, so it all filters to the top.  

So am I in a cult?  Sure.  I follow my own culture and customs.  I worship Creator in my own way and I am working to establish my own rites and ceremonies to reverse the damage caused by thousands of years of colonial rule.  

Am I a violent cult as defined by state propaganda?  Absolutely not.  I've dedicated my life towards peace, freedom, prosperity and love.  I've done everything I can to remove all connections to violent institutions so that I can fulfill my desire to remain peaceful and not engage in violence of any form, a process that requires more work on my part.  

Is my cult strange?  Sadly yes.  Not many people work towards peace and non-violence, which makes my beliefs and customs very strange.  In fact I would suggest that my beliefs and customs are a threat to those who depend on violence, coercion and force.  I pray that my views which I learned from Christ and other leaders become more common so that one day they are not strange at all but have been embraced by billions of people.  

What I find disturbing is that most people are a member of a violent cult and don't even realize it.  To convince them of that is a huge struggle as it has been justified, legalized and normalized in their own minds.  They benefit from it every day so why would they do anything to jeopardize that relationship?  To even consider the state a violent cult would be considered blasphemy by most.  I'm even going to suggest that the state is actually engaged in the occult, which makes matters even worse!

So while most of the accusations thrown at me may have been meant as a rebuke to suggest that my way of thinking is violent, strange and descriptive of the violent cults that they are familiar with, I reject any such claims and instead choose to hold the mirror up to their face.  In fact, I would suggest that people whom make those accusations fear that peace and change would threaten their own views, beliefs, caste, privileges, wealth and power.  The accusations are made in an attempt to defend themselves from the ideas that I share.  However, it is not me that is the threat but rather the idea -- and ideas are bullet proof.  

A really good book to read is @larkenrose book called 'The Most Dangerous Superstition" which you can find on Amazon.  While I've never met the man, he and I think a lot a like and he posts here on Steemit as well.  If you really want to challenge your preconceived notions on your relationship with the state, he is another fellow to follow.  


Maybe we could all simultaneously start a decentralized cult focused on peace, freedom and love in which there are no leaders and we are all leaders. Great post!

I agree. If people followed your work, that would be a great start! Huge fan of the 'Food is Free' campaign that you do by the way. Huge fan!

The more I am reading your blogs the more I am compelled to think and revise my perspective on everything. The way you explained cult cant be more accurate than this. We have put our allegiances and faith to the multiple masters and this is the inception of self degradation process.

@nouman758, I must admit you are the FIRST individual to share with me that you are contemplating changing your mind on this whole topic. Usually people dig in their heals and defend their position. I must say I am an awe of your willingness to contemplate concepts and ideas that did not fit your paradigm. That takes a great deal of courage, critical thinking and self reflection. Absolutely amazing my friend. I am stunned. Wow. Keep up the great work. All I ask is that you do your own research and make up your own mind. Don't follow me, but lead by example ... your example. <3 May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Not only are governments cults, they are cults that run Pyramid schemes. The only way you see any return on your investment is to recruit others. For example the government pension plans. You pay into while you are working so that others who are retiring benefit. Your hope is that by the time you are in that position there will be sufficient younger workers paying into that pot. It will eventually collapse so the best way is to prepare for your retirement yourself.

Now, how many cults do we need to follow if you are the average citizen and haven't clued in yet? Depending on your beliefs you are tied to your religious affiliation, your government, your employer, perhaps even the municipality you live in.

Cults, have become a derogatory word meaning that in some way you are not following the normal path. It is considered a bad thing because they do not understand what you are practising in your life. It does not conform to their ideals so you must be evil.

I realized this scam about 20 years ago. I knew then that I would not collect a cent from the pension that I was paying into. The baby boomers will draw a lot from the fund, but here in Canada, the government has been drawing from the fund as well, which is highly unethical and questionably illegal as well.

Couldn't agree more. Similar to the term "conspircy" and "conspiracy theorists" coined by the government to make those who question authority look like "loonies". And for the most part they have done a good job at that.

I also agree in that i believe that the church has been compromised. Perhaps not the exact same idea, where I think the Synagogue of Satan has taken over covertly. But similar in the "occult" belief.

I, frankly, love discussing what YOU do in life. Its a learning thing for me. Where others view it as weird, like you described above, I find it as a valuable info I can use moving forward in life, priceless.

Hope more see this way too. Cheers, @wwf

The demonetization of people who do research, engage in critical thinking and expose conspiracies has done a lot of damage to our communities. They need secrets in order to get away with their agenda as the truth all at once would end up with people lynching them in the streets.

Thank you for such a strong interest in what we do, how we think and what we believe. I will keep sharing. No worries there! <3 Thank you for such meaningful and pointed posts. That adds great value to the exchange of ideas. You contribute a lot to the discussion!

The power of the Spirit. I keep y'all in mind. May we all be free!

Steemit is certainly a great way to get to the minds and then the spirit of others to join in the effort to free the world from the quietly kept secret evil that manipulates and controls their lives. And the homesteading stuff that you and your crew actually live, is legit, you don't just talk about it, you do it everyday. It is all such great and helpful info for wanna-be's haha soon-to-be's

Soon - will be's! lol. I told myself years ago that I refused to teach until I did it myself. There are so many out there teaching freedom but not walking the walk. I refused to be like one of them. I think it shows. <3 It is helpful to get feedback from people like yourself. For that I am grateful!

Just a quick note on definitions - what most people refer to as a cult is technically a 'sect' - which is a tight-knit group of people with specific shared beliefs. The whole David Koresh thing, for example, that was a sect, not a cult.

A cult, at least in the sociology of religion, refers to a loser network of people - something like the new age movement, with more disparate beliefs - hence maybe the link between the words cult and culture.

So being part of an off-grid movement, you may be part of a cult! But not a sect, unless you progress/ regress deep into the woods, cut yourself off completely and develop your own tight doctrine of rules that all your clearly delineated members MUST subscribe to!

Of course, neither sects nor cults are necessarily bad.

I remember some fascinating research on sects actually that basically showed that people who join them tend to be better educated and had typically gone through some kind of trauma or been something of a loner as a teenager - motivations for joining are just completely normal.

Just something I remember from teaching the sociology of religion a way back.

thank you for the clearification. Perhaps you may want to get onto Wikipedia and enlighten them about their definitions then! lol

Well these are only 'sociological definitions'
Unfortunately I can't remember the reference off the top of head. However, I'm planning on adding the sociology of relifion to my WP blog from August - I'll make a point of stopping by Wiki when I get onto the NRM topic!

We are always taught that if we think outside of the norm there's something wrong with us.

In fact, that applies to crypto as well.

I am really into cryptocurrency, and most of my wealth is in the form of crypto... anytime the crypto market goes down, I have a lot of "friends" who mock me and try to make me feel as if I'm a fool for thinking crypto has value.


We'll see.

Indeed. We will see! I agree with you. If you are not on the band wagon you are mocked and ridiculed. However, mavericks who change the world are often marginalized by society. Just watch us then!

Lol if said person meant it in a negative way in regards to a cult of peace, freedom and expansion of being oh lord that's funny! I like to tell people to be their own religion and follow themselves. Afterall the kingdom of God is within us.

In fact I would suggest that my beliefs and customs are a threat to those who depend on violence, coercion and force.

No doubt!!
Occult essentially just means hidden so of course state is engaged in that. And like the word apocalypse which just means time of unveiling, these things are not inherently negative beyond the connotations. However as a statist you'd likely want your government (if that's you thing) to be transparent no?

I reject any such claims and instead choose to hold the mirror up to their face

Mhmm you can tell a lot about a person by what they choose to see in you.

Nicely said! I also agree with you regarding the occult and apocalypse. The unveiling is happening as we speak and accelerating. But that is not limited to the unveiling the secrets with the state, it also includes the hidden within each of us. If we continue to ignore the dark side within us, more and more of it will overwhelm. It is critical that we work on it as it is unveiled so that we can survive the process. Perhaps the topic of another post. Thank you!

treatment and traditions that does not come from God and not distorted the teachings of God. that's the cult,,!
It is up to we want to be done anything as long as it's still in the lines of religion.
your post is very interesting to read ..!!
Thanks @wwf

My thoughts exactly! Very well said!

I Have not commented on your post for some days now, cause I am still taking my time to read sets of your previous articles to better understand the premises you write from.

Yes its true, the word cult have been given a bad connotations by the society but like @tarazkp mentioned in one of his post last week. A word only carries the meaning we attached to them. People will always attack you because of what you stand for because for anything in life you stand for they will always be another set on the other side of the line. But if you believe deep inside you that you are right. Then, let them say

When we look at words, they are only symbols. What is important is the meaning behind those symbols. I think we can all agree to that. Where confusion enters into relationships is when we have different meanings for those symbols. How can we communicate ideas when we cannot even agree on the meanings being represented when we use specific symbols?

I speak to this frequently in my blog posts and that is why I share the definitions. Because I KNOW that people have all different kinds of impressions, ideas, interpretations and comprehension of what words mean to them. That is why I take the approach I take. If they still disagree, that is their issue not mine. That is their path and journey, so I do move on.

discussing the cult, religion, customs and culture can be unified or contradictory to one another

That's what life says, sometimes it's not what we want it to be. But all that we can change it in our own way. Because a happiness is priceless of some material we have. But we can also be happy with the smallest thing. As you said about an accusation, before we have strong evidence we should not accuse people in vain. But I am a little confused about the 'cult'. What is that? Thank you @wwf

I described what a 'cult' is within the post and I also gave a link to wikipedia's article on cults. Is there a more specific question to help me clarify this for you?

Thank you for explaining it me, now I will try to open a link on Wikipedia to see all that. I'm sorry, I can not give a good answer, so you feel disappointed with my answer. But I am trying for the best. I do have a lot to learn with you. Because I see, you are smart.

Wikipedia should help you. As for how I feel, that is up to me to share. So please don't assume that I am disappointed. I am not feeling disappointed at all and if I do have strong feelings about this exchange, then I will share them with you. :) I recognize that you are doing your best. I have no expectations. Your path, your work, your journey.

Hehe, thank you very much for you, I do not mean to say that you are disappointed, but I am disappointed because my answer is not good. Because I really hope to be as successful as you. So from I want to learn a lot with you and I will always follow your post, let me learn.

Ahhhh. I see. Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate that. Thank you.

Thank you again @wwf, and hopefully you will be more successful in working... :)

Money 💰

Yes. That one too!

A cult is what others accuse you of belonging to when you won't join theirs!

Yup! Well said.

What is the largest cult in the world?

Fiat currency and the belief in the central banks. Organised religion comes a close second in my opinion as every person in the world is living under fiat institutions forcing them to pay in fiat but you have the option to walk away from traditional religion and practise what you feel is correct.

They are all connected and dependent upon one another. Cannot discuss government, fiat, central banks or religion without getting the others involved in the conversation.