
This is a very powerful song and would love to hear this all over the radio waves and so forth...

Thus, here's my tokens of appreciation and words of gratitude for your work among us all, on the platform and beyond.

Namaste :)


Thank you so much for your kind words! Comments like this really lift the spirit and help remind me why I do this in the first place!

We live in a world, where everyone saying we free. But when we try to speak, that is the time we can understand how much free we are. We were never free, may be will not be. Still we have say it loudly, we are free and happy.

And they try to tell us that America is a country run by the people, for the people, but when someone steps out of line for the good of those people, they become a sacrifice to the machine. This is a country run by the powers, for the profit.

Keep up the good work.

Wow, liking this! A LOT!

I love Julian Assange I drew THIS image

This is great Suzie just tipped me to this wish I saw it earlier.. great work!