Upvotable #11: Bangkok, Watermelon, and Norway!

in #upvotable7 years ago

upvotable 11.png

How do we find the best posts to upvote outside of the trending page from newer authors? Upvotable is one answer! If you want me to upvote a post, sharing the post here in the comments is the #1 way to make it happen as these authors and their friends have done below!

  1. @gmichelbkk shares his first travel blog post from Bangkok Thailand at https://steemit.com/travel/@gmichelbkk/a-night-in-bangkok-at-the-mercure-bangkok-makkasan-hotel. I found this one from seeing Michel upvoted a lot of my posts at once and then checking his profile!

  2. @babettxx shares the benefits of eating watermelon with us! I guess it is time to eat more than I already do! https://steemit.com/health/@babettxx/great-benefits-from-eating-watermelon. Thank you for finding this post @winvideos and sharing with us! You earn 10 SBD!

  3. @freehuman asks a powerful questions "Could Steemit be 'The Change' we want to see in the world? Find out for yourself at https://steemit.com/freedom/@freehuman/could-steemit-be-the-change-we-want-to-see-in-the-world. Thank you for finding this post @lann, Earning 10 SBD!

  4. @warjar shares more incredible photos of Norway. See the slice of Norway for yourself! https://steemit.com/photography/@warjar/slice-of-norway-2-preikestolen-supernatural-warning It is a long way down!

  5. @bitbybit says we sounds stop using the "S", lets hear what they have to say in there post! Read it at https://steemit.com/steem/@bitbybit/dear-steemians-please-stop-using-the-s-word.

  6. @hfigueroa say, "who the heck has time to meditate?" Well, as a matter of fact you do! Read why at https://steemit.com/health/@hfigueroa/who-in-the-heck-meditates-anyways.

  7. @conditionedminds explains that we live in a materialistic world. This leads us to have more desires and more suffering? Read for yourself at https://steemit.com/philosophy/@conditionedminds/how-your-desires-can-cause-you-to-suffer.

  8. @tishyaoedit shows us around one of the most beautiful gardens! See for yourself at https://steemit.com/nature/@tishyaoedit/city-oasis-chelsea-physic-garden.

  9. @suvisbodyofwork shares their thoughts on domestic violence and divorce! Everyone needs to be away that this is an issue! https://steemit.com/health/@suvisbodyofwork/thoughts-about-domestic-violence-and-divorce. Thank you @transptrader for sharing some great content Earning 10 SBD!

Where did I find these posts?

Upvotable #10 comments were reviewed by @aarellanes and then I read each post plus added one of my own along with upvotes on all! Would you make comments here with the posts you would like to see in upvotable #12 here because you will get a 10 SBD finder's fee for sharing a post written by another author that we share?

Part of the purpose of the finder's fee is to encourage collaboration among friends to submit each other's posts and get the same upvotes along with a 10 SBD finder's fee. Work together and earn better alongside the 3 finders that earned 30 Steem Dollars on this post!

Will you please upvote this if you would like us to keep doing these because upvoting feels great and pays out curation rewards?

Jerry Banfield

There are 3 pages

Thank you @jerrybanfield, I replied to your comment btw. I hope you can answer the question that torments me. It's refreshing to see someone as popular as you follow someone down here. And I don't understand why the others here who have 10000+ followers and only found a few people to follow within a year on steemit, like 65 or something.

To anyone reading this, it's getting lonely out there talking to yourselves. Be open to something new, @ocd is also a great place to find new authors with incredible talents.

The high-ranking authors here should support the new batch of talented authors to be able to motivate and keep them writing for steemit. It's for steemit's growth!

Hey there, @jerrybanfield i have joined steemit after watching one of your youtube video...i am still learning and am dont quite know what exactly to vlog about..i have posted a blog about "things to do in bangkok" but it did not get me money...then i thought of posting a blog on riddles...check my blogs out if you can...upvote and please suggest me what i should do to earn money through my blogs...thanks...

Great comment, thanks for the @ocd mention. :)

Good feedback here I will start mentioning the other curation projects like @ocd in my upvotable posts to help bring as much participation to all curation projects as possible!

The I read all your posts and i find those awesome. Please help me Writing some more posts if you find my posts valueable.

Thank you! :)

You're welcome @diabolika thank you for contributing here and encouraging collaboration! I need your help as much as you need mine especially in making the comments more interactive because I can only respond to so many!

No worries @jerrybanfield. I will try to help out as much as I can. I will help myself and the community. :)

@diabolika I followed you and am interested to see what you post next!

Thank you!

Thank you!

I've been inspired. Inspired by all of you. So much that I've already made the next addition to the Slice of Norway Series. This time showing a side of Norway I believe is much less known, nor expected.

If this made you a little bit curiose, please have a look here:

I love upvotable! So cool...
This week I'd like to contribute a nomination for a post by @arevolution, it's about making your own kombucha and some great tricks for boosting it's health benefits! I hope some of you try making it at home, its really easy and sooooo much cheaper than buying it in stores :)

Another one I just upvoted from comments on the Poloniex post that I would really value your feedback on Albert!


Yeaaa! I had been looking forward to the next one! It's an awesome thing, this upvotable series.

@jerrybanfield, you are truly a team player.
Wish I have a post ready.
Keep on steemit !!

How old can the posts be for their consideration here @ jerrybanfield

Within 7 days is preferred because we want to up the reward!

what's with this no shirt business lmao?? Shock value much.

Goodday jerry!.hope you could take a look.. thank you 😊https://steemit.com/writing/@annesaya/the-truth-behind-a-street-child

Thank you for sharing with me @annesaya I gave your post an upvote after reading!

I'm submitting another post for consideration. It seems every time I do, it gathers steem on its own. This one isn't brand new so I don't think that'll happen. Hope you like it. Either way, I love what you're doing. Thank you!

You're welcome and thank you for sharing your post with us!

your video being used by another author @jerrybanfield

Nice you earned more with your comment then they are getting so far! I am okay with anyone using anything I create!

ahh i see your point =)

thanks jerry!

Thank you for doing another one of these @jerrybanfield

This is great gesture @jerrybanfield. You're really doing a great job out there. I am thinking of the same for my followers but I am not able to support them yet. I have no resources rightnow and neither I have a loyal follower base. But with time, I ll definitely help tHEM.
Anyways I have made some great posts, if you like you can read them. They provide the great value to your life. I don't want you upvotes, I just want you to have a look. I think it's really worth your attention
A glimpse of my hard work you can find here. Please have a look .


@cryptonet thank you I hope to keep publishing your posts on upvotable! Albert checks all the comments and makes the list for each post because then I have time to just read what he has already approved!

All great people to follow! Supporting people like this will just make the community just better 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

I found this post which will be helpful for people on steemit to learn something new.
https://steemit.com/art/@marty-arts/eye-drawing-tutorial-step-by-step-tweaks-eays-for-about-15-minutes by @marty-arts

@vj1309 thank you for sharing with us!

Welcome! Thanks for starting this curation initiative...it definitely provides a good exposure and motivation to the author of the contents who are working hard to create something meaningful for the steemit community.

@vj1309 I love these type of art posts! People showing the full steps of how they made their art pieces! Thanks for sharing! :D

I like this idea!

I bet my readers have some great hidden talent, too. I can't read everything that goes through my feed~


Hi Jerry, I have a couple that I think you may like :) This pencil artist is amazing and it seems that his posts are way under upvoted :(

Check the work that this young kid does - really, every one of his posts gets ZERO (0). He really deserves a lot of credit, he is not only smart but his ability to creat videos and communicate thru teaching is incredible!!! I am linking just a couple of his great videos to this post, but all of them really deserve to be notice - very talented young man.


Have a GREAT weekend!!! SUNSHINE247

Actually Jerry and Albert - any of the posts on @iconzbranding or @jansenslessons would be great!!! Thanks for taking a look at these :) SUNSHINE247

I must say that since I commented in here Jerry about this wonderful artist, his upvotes have gone up tremendously!!! The artist has let me know that he is very appreciative about this - I really believe you should give him credit!!! All of his posts are great - SUNSHINE247

@sunshine247 thanks for the great posts! Just some pointers, Any art posts should show some step by step instructions or pointers on how they drew it! :D

And for the videos posts if they had a video and several paragraphs with it they would be excellent posts :D

Here is a post I made earlier today! Not my best quality, but I assure you I am working hard. Enjoy


I would like to suggest this post, not because it is so great but because of all the hard work this guy is doing to help new people on Steemit. Lets face it, you can bring all the people in the world to Steemit but if they don't know what to do after they get here what good is it? Thats why I am plugging this post, its the latest of his Video guide for new people on Steemit. https://steemit.com/steemitbasics/@probizranker/basics-on-how-voting-works-on-steemit-for-new-people

Thank you for your submission @n-doorplants, we have chosen a couple of these in the past but are taking a break from sharing more of this type of content.

Thanks for the shout out @jerrybanfield! Much appreciated!

ok, Im just going to say it, dude are you wearing clothes in your picture?

This is a good idea Jerry.. And I just heard you sold your 1,000 Dash Masternode for steem. Awesome! I am starting to collecting some steems as well now..

Amazing Writing Skills By @amarie. A very Lovely Poetry. Plz have a Look :

Keep up the great work finding these posts @traveldiaries! :D

Awesome post @jerrybanfield
Continue the great work bro, i will surely do that!!! :)

Another great post as always Jerry. Would love your feedback on how I am doing. I'm fairly new around here still.

Cheers, appreciate your leadership.

great post Jerry, really like what your doing here. when i first came to steemit your videos and posts help me post and build up my steemit account. Thanks for all the help.

Nice post as always jerrybanfield 👍. Please check out my recommendations on Cryptocurrency and other cool stuff @crypto-expo 😎

Great post!
Would you upvote my post please? It's another one of my blogs of my trip to Thailand!
thank you :)

here is something i wrote please have a look Thanks!

I got your point and will follow same@jerrybanfield

Awesome idea Jerry. I will dive into that Bangkok one now. Happy to Tweet this.

Hello @jerrybanfield Have a look at my post on tips to be Successful in life. https://steemit.com/life/@vikbuddy/tips-to-be-successful-in-life
Have a Great Day. Awesome Work @aarellanes you are also doing great work with Jerry. I appreciate your efforts . God Bless You .👍

Dear Sir, @jerrybanfield
I was send you some steem for upvote my recent post: https://steemit.com/photography/@muarju/10-best-stock-photos-downloaded-over-10-000-download-free
I hope you will help me to grow up this community.
Thank you so much

I'd love for you to check my post.. I have a latest one you'll find it.. Thank you

Show Me Your Best Post 🏆 Community Content Showcase
I'm asking fellow steemians to share their best original post/content with myself and the SteemIt community.
Great way to grow this community, @jerrybanfield. Feel free to share your best post with us! We would also greatly appreciate the support. Resteemed because what you're doing is awesome! Thanks, Brandon Holsey • @grow-pro

Great initiative! You should check out my post about the Expedition Everest ride at Animal Kingdom, you may like it: https://steemit.com/travel/@jeffjagoe/expedition-everest-animal-kingdom-walt-disney-world

I love this post as I am into birds, as you can see in my posts. This is a very good look at endangered birds in North America.

There are 3 pages