It's cool to see you are looking for contributors to your project! However, valid GitHub repositories contain the project’s source code, a README file with usage and installation instructions and an appropriate open source licence -- you seem to be missing a README file and also a licence. I'd also recommend using something like Vue.js or React, instead of just basic HTML and JavaScript, if you are looking to create a fully-fledged web application. Good luck.
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Thanks for comment! Added readme and license. However I am total noob in web development, it is highly appreciated to use more suitable framework instead of HTML and JS.
You should remove everything related to the task request from your project's README.
For each issue listed above you could also create an issue on -- it helps with keeping track.
Thank you for advice! It is fixed and really looks organized now. Any more suggestions?
Thank you for your review, @amosbastian! Keep up the good work!