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RE: steemgg open source development update - - 2018.11.15

in #utopian-io6 years ago

I am considering uploading a game I made but I am curious about the part where it says 'I have already embedded my steemit account id (eg. @steemit.account) into the game.'

Does this just mean I have written the account name somewhere, or there is an executable command line within the game? I would really like to make a game that commands the player account to create a post. Does anyone have a tool that can help with this?

Thanks @steemgg


Hi @darkpylon, the tickbox is there for you to confirm that the game is your own work, and that you have placed your username, i.e. "@darkpylon", somewhere visible in the game. This is a requirement of your game before it will be accepted by the auditors.

As for your other question about commanding the player's account to create a post, we are working on a SDK that allows developer to more easily incorporate STEEM features into their games. Hopefully we will have something by end of Q1 2019.