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RE: FPL Plus Logo Design

in #utopian-io5 years ago

Hello @podanrj,

It's great that you took the task and made the designs for the FPL+ extension. You provided several interesting variations of the lion mane, which makes one think more about which design suits the extension the best.

There is not much to say about the final design. Creating a lion head/face does not create many opportunities to be different from a usual visualisation of it. There are few parts that do not follow your process of making tangents to the circles and your decision process of making an intersection rounded or not is quite unclear.

However, your design looks clean and works well. In my opinion, the variation number 4 looks best. I am also a fan of the version where the face is light and the background/mane is dark. The inverted version is difficult for me to perceive without an issue. Thus, I believe the other version is more suitable as an icon of the extension.

There are some issues with the post, which I believe you can improve. There are many typographic and grammar mistakes that worsen the readability. There is a Grammarly extension that perfect tool for reducing the number of such mistakes.

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Thank you for your review, @espoem! Keep up the good work!