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RE: [New Project] Smults a.k.a Steem MULti Tag Search

in #utopian-io7 years ago

@alvinvoo I was looking at using this to pull content for posting to an external website. Taking the results and using Steemit Widgets by @mkt. So if there was a way to feed the to the tool that would be awesome.

In testing however I did find a bug... it was not pulling all of my posts with the search. It would find the current or random posts. Example is to search for allaboutgrapevine. The results are yesterday, 2 months and 3 months ago. I post it weekly. :)


@paulcaraway I am sorry but I have not heard of Steemit Widgets.. I'm still new (one month old) to this platform you see =)

About your bug, yes, the maximum posts it can get for one tag search is 100. This is a limit imposed by the Steemit platform. If you searched for a tag with a filter on Steemit, lets say this link:, it will only return you maximum 100 posts.

My search application works by first get these 100 posts using the first tag you search by, and then further filtering the posts down by matching tags that you supply, so the more tags you supply, the lesser the posts results would be. And even though you posted weekly, it might not be in the top 100 of whatever filter that you choose to search with.

Yup, I tried searching with 'allaboutgrapevine', lets say with the NEW filter:, it only returns 3 posts

Anyways, I have added a filter to search by author name. You can read about it at my post here. I think you should be able to first search by your name and then filter it down by 'allaboutgrapevine'

Yup, I did a test for you, it works, see the screenshot below

Have fun!


if the image is too small for you, please click here

Awesome that is great, Thank you for making the change! You can learn more about Steemit Widgets here: