Was HIV Created By The Polio Vaccine And Then Covered Up? Wow... The Potential Implications Are Incredible!

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

I have researched the subject of vaccines yet when I discovered this topic recently I was floored. I am sure many of you will know about this already but I had not heard of the hypothesis that the HIV virus was created and distributed through our society through the oral polio vaccine. This is called the OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) theory.

My ignorance of this subject is odd as when this was coming to light I was passing through London regularly but never heard about the OPV theory. Still 19 years ago I probably thought vaccines were a good thing. Isn't it interesting how we fall awake as our knowledge grows... 😉

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I want to say that I have not researched this subject in depth but watching this video I was compelled to write about it. I want to give a briefish outline of the content of the video in this post but more importantly I want to make some points at the end and ask some interesting questions. There seems to be a lot going on here.

As usual I am looking for input from the Steemit community and it is up to you to draw your own conclusions. There are some interesting points to consider with this narrative. Free and open discussion is good for all of us. I also want to say I have not yet read the book The River - A Journey Back To The Source Of HIV And AIDS from which this documentary was made but I am looking forward to doing so.

For your reference here is the link to the documentary The Origin of HIV Aids from Channel 4 that I will be discussing in this post:

Where Did HIV Come From?

AIDS is the worst epidemic to be experienced by mankind. The arrival of HIV was unexpected in the historical record. The mainstream explanation for the HIV virus is known as the “hunter/bushmeat theory” and hypothesises that humans came into contact with the HIV virus through hunting, contracted HIV through infected chimpanzee blood. This hypothesis fails however to explain why the HIV virus only showed up recently in humans when chimpanzees have been hunted for thousands of years.

In 1989 SIV was identified in Chimpanzees and classified as the ancestor to human HIV. The epicentre of the initial HIV outbreak was in Central Africa and the first case of HIV documented was in 1959 in Kinshasa which was formerly known as Leopoldville in the former Belgian Congo.

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The Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) Theory

Mass polio vaccination programs were undertaken in the Belgian Congo by Dr Hilary Koprowski in the mid to late 1950s. These vaccination programs had ties to western countries such as the UK, US, Belgium and France. The location of these trials show a startling similarity to the first known locations of HIV outbreaks.

The contention is that Dr Koprowski used chimpanzees to create his polio vaccination. The other polio vaccinations were made using tissue from other monkeys that had no ancestor to HIV. Alone among apes only chimpanzees have SIV the "cousin" of HIV. Although Dr Koprowski and his team publicly stated that they never used chimpanzees we shall see later that the spectacle was so bizarre that it left more questions than it answered. The historical evidence, witness testimony and archival footage seems to tell a very different story. Raising the question: Are these guys lying?

What we are left with is the terrifying spectre that HIV may have been manmade and then released onto the world by scientists without a moral compass!

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Polio Vaccines - The Shocking Beginnings - And Where Are We Today? Yuck!

I had no idea that polio vaccines were made using ground up monkey tissue and blood from various animals. This is never mentioned in the media or by my medical friends. I wonder how many people know this putrid fact.

I need to look further into this but I was powerfully struck when I saw Dr. Cecil Fox, Pathologist and former senior scientist at the US National Institute of Infectious Diseases (1982-1992) saying he believes:

"We should have stopped using monkey kidney tissues [I think] for virus production in 1960, but we continue to do so. The drug companies are the ones who really determine this. They have developed facilities, they've developed processes that would cost them a lot of money if they had to do it a different way.

The thing that makes me physically angry is the fact that we now have the genetic ability to make synthetic polio vaccine from recombinant protein and we are not doing it. That we continue to take ground up monkey parts and inject them into children."

This is very deserving of further investigation on my part! Any input on this subject from the Steemit community will be appreciated.

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The Scandal Uncovered?

Dr Hilary Koprowski was a respected member of the scientific community and considered an expert on rabies, polio, cancer and AIDS. After moving from Poland to the US his ambition drove him in 1950 to secretly test a prototype of an oral polio vaccine on 20 handicapped children. In an interesting twist of events Koprowski found himself in the Belgian Congo in a race to test his vaccines on the local inhabitants. He was racing against another industry rival who was trying to achieve the same result in the USSR. In the end both vaccines were showing to have been contaminated after many vaccine injuries to children.

Inspired by an earlier article in Rolling Stone Magazine Edward Hooper a freelance journalist published a book in 1999 called The River - A Journey Back To The Source Of HIV And AIDS the premise of which was that Koprowski's experimental oral vaccine was created using chimpanzee kidneys and blood and feed to over a million africans. Hooper believes this was the source of HIV and AIDS. They were manmade!

Koprowski denied on television ever having used chimpanzees but yet the archives show he built a camp in the jungle that held over 400 chimpanzees during it's operation, making it one of the largest colonies of chimpanzees ever. A media battle followed these revelations and Edward Hooper was joined in his position by one of the 20th centuries most influential evolutionary biologists Bill Hamilton.

Koprowski's vaccine had already been shown to have an unidentified virus contained in it. Sadly Bill Hamilton died of malaria while collecting data which would validate or invalidate this theory. It's strange how people often die suddenly when working on scientific proof like this.

After all this something very strange and interesting happened. I was in London at the time but didn't hear about it. The royal society was to hold the first debate ever between a non scientist and scientists. In this case the author of the book The River Edward Hooper and the scientific polio vaccination community...

How interesting! Lets look at what happened next...

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The Royal Society Comes To Whitewash The Scandal

This amazing event was organised and Edward hooper turned up to defend his position. The first time in the history of the royal society that a non scientist would be allowed to debate scientific experts. What happened next was bizarre to say the least and described by Dr Cecil Fox as a "public lynching" of Edward Hooper by the royal society.

The royal society gathered everyone there. Attacked Hooper's position, came up with arguments against his claims and then pronounced it was all moot because they had "discovered" and "tested" a bottle of vaccine from the time which showed no HIV or AIDS. This was supposed to be the end of it but the miraculous discovery and odd behaviour of the scientists throughout doesn't make any sense. If you are confident of your position you don't need to pull a whitewashing stunt to protect yourself. It makes them look like liars.

You can watch Dr Robin Weiss the co-organiser of the royal society conference smugly discussing vanquishing Edward Hooper in minute 46:30 of the video. He can barely contain his glee. His snickering is highly inappropriate and he is the only person who seems to find mirth in this horrible subject.

I was so put off by Weiss' snickering that I had to do some research into him. Weiss was Director at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, from 1980 until 1989, after which he continued as Director of Research for a further nine years. Later he became a board member and scientific advisory committee chair for IAVI the International Aids Vaccine Initiative.

Holy cow! For those of you who know my cynical perspective on the way things work will know that someone like this fits the description of a controlled industry operative. In later life Weiss even has the financial connection to the industry of AIDS vaccinations! He profited from it! Weiss is starting to make a lot more sense to me now...

Who is this Weiss anyway? He wasn't there at the time. Why is he gloating? The other question is who can verify the assertion that this polio vaccination specimen is genuine. It certainly was very timely and helpful for the scientists to discover the silver bullet to their argument just in time for the conference. As usual the question is who is Weiss really working for? We can tell a bit by looking at his employment history.

Still all that pales in comparison to the blatant lies we are about to look at.

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What Reasons Could There Be To Cover It Up?

I am not educated enough on this subject yet to make a firm statement but the behaviour of the scientific community when dealing with this issue raises red flags for me. Lets take a brief look at which vested interests could have a reason to cover this scandal up if it is true:

  1. The national governments of the US, UK, France and Belgium who would have to admit to being party to the creation of HIV and killing millions of people.
  2. The pharmaceutical industry who would have to pay reperations and suffer lost revenues through loss of confidence in vaccines.
  3. Dr Koprowski and his team who would turn from heros to mass murders.
  4. The scientific community in general and royal society specifically for not having rectified this themselves.
  5. Anyone who was pleased to see mass death in Africa and poor communities around the world.

If OPV was really the birth of HIV then there are some very powerful interests who have a strong interest in covering it up!

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Can You Imagine If The OPV Theory Was Correct? What Would The Implications Be?

I believe that it is important to keep our minds agile. Sometimes for me that means applying the willing suspension of disbelief to wrestle with a concept. It may be true or false but I like to keep my mind agile by dealing with different subjects from different perspectives.

Can you imagine if HIV really was manmade and the worst medical catastrophe every to visit mankind was given to us by the gods of medicine?

What could be done? What could you possibly do to make up for those that have died and the millions and millions more who are yet do die? Many powerful interests would be damaged including the very profitable vaccine industry.

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The Eye Witness Testimony - Is This The Dark Truth?

The interesting part of the documentary begins at minute 51:00 when the team return to Africa to interview former employees of the vaccination program. Admittedly these people were not under oath and footage can be edited to portray a certain narrative but watching and listening to these interviews I did not sense that any of these people were lying. Unlike Dr Weiss!

If you watch the entire film you will see all the discrepancies but around minute 1:01:00 the chief nurse at the camp describes collecting the blood from the chimpanzees he was ordered to kill. What were they collecting blood for? It would be useful if they were making vaccines.

The testimonies also tell how the chimpanzees were anaesthetised then dissected alive to collect their blood and organs. The main use of organ tissue at that time was to create vaccines. There are too many problems with the narrative. The categorical denials do make sense though...

Apart from the legal and moral ramifications who would even want the faintest whiff of the term "father of AIDS" hanging over their career and legacy?

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Drawing The Threads Together...

I want to state the obvious here: there are conflicts of interest and enormous vested interests in keeping the truth concealed if these people really are responsible for creating AIDS and HIV. I am not saying they are I just wanted to make the point.

The two major smoking guns for me here are the bizarre behaviour by the royal society and most importantly the numerous categorical denials that chimpanzees were ever used with so much archival evidence and testimony that they were. Something smells wrong to me here and I would love to hear what you think. I will keep researching this.

As usual I suggest you watch the video I have linked to here and make your own minds up. I will be very interested to read any relevant comments or links for further study on this topic. I encourage open and friendly discussion so we can all learn! 😃

For further research here is a rebuttal written by Edward hooper in 2004 and a description on media pressure to suppress the documentary written by him in 2006.

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Jockey loves you All and plants as medicine! 😉 Jockey votes for @teamsteem as a witness!

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Interesting hypothesis. I've not had time to watch the videos and check the links out yet I will later however I have a healthy distrust of all governments and big Pharma so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was true.
The implications if true are horrendous enough to suggest a cover up would be the first reaction of the politicians.
The big Pharma companies and national governments particularly in the west are intrinsically linked so a cover up would be the best option for them and pretty easy to enact back in the 80's.
Well done @jockey I look forward to watching the video and finding out the finer points.

You and I share the same inherrent distrust. Maybe that comes with being (64)? LOL! No life's experiences and knowledge has opened my eyes! Please watch the film let me know what you think. I thought I would have heard about this before but it's new to me... See what you think! UPvoted at full! 😉

There's something rotten in the state of Denmark, and it ain't the cheese! Isn't that a famous quote by some dignitary? Anyway, I don't know what really happened with the aids epidemic but I have no doubt that its' origins are suspect, and probably tied to big pharma. Interesting post Jockey.

Thanks buddy! I've been away for a while. It's nice to see you pop up. I was just debating if I should go and jump in my local 24 hour sauna! You know I love the steemroom! LOL!

On a serious note though I don't know enough about this either but something smells bad. I am so cynical these days I wish I didn't have to take this outlook to protect my mind but it's almost a necessity these days. Maybe I should buy a boat and go sailing! LOL!

Great to see you and UPvoted! Warm regards from Asia! =)

This is important information to keep safe on the blockchain. You may also want to review the work of Dr. Leonard Horowitz, I have a couple of his books. He includes the Hep B vaccine as well and has done a lot of research. It is important that we realize the risk in any vaccine and should have the right to opt out of the vaccine programs all together. Last Thursday the US Pres. Trump established a division within the dept of Health and Human Services that allows people to make complaints. The new division is called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. I just posted about it a couple of days ago:

Here is one of Horowitz presentations in the archives. You might want to do a search on his facts and findings as well:

Thank you very much Vickie! I will be looking into both of these! I always appreciate your comments and links for further study! Cheers! 😃

Thanks for that info Vickie. Somehow I missed your post and did not realize what Trump had done. I don't watch TV anymore but they probably didn't report this anyway.

I don't watch TV either and if they were to report on it I am CERTAIN they would spin it somehow to distract from the truth of what possibilities this new division offers. Big pharma is not going to like it at all :)

Interesting. I forwarded this on to my children's pediatrician. He has been a leading authority on vaccine education here locally and speaks globally on the subject. He started his career in biomedical research before starting a traditional practice and then being one of the first in the country to become a concierge practice. He was actually the topic of a major spot on dateline NBC. Needless to say they totally fabricated and edited the interview away from what they told him it would be (fake news). I will be curious to learn if he knows anything about this subject.

I would also be most curious! If you find out please tell us! =)

Man made 15,000 gallons

There were clinical trials

Contaminated hep B vaccine

The cure AG4O4
Tetrasilver Tetraoxide
Explained better here

Birth place of AIDS
VCP Virus Cancer Program

Very interesting. The thing I like about well written articles like this is the trail is laid out so well, even the most stubborn mind should surely want to look deeper.
I think I have seen this documentary, but will rematch it now with your suggested time stamps to see if I can pick up on those points you raise.
Thanks for the excellent article.

Their is not only Siv their is fiv(feline immunodeficence virus) Bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV)and many other viruses that cause immunodeficence. Since all this viruses have ARN genome they mutate fast and produce variants. In near future we will see much more new ARN viruses. I dont think that hiv is manmade.

there is a lot of proof that HIV was caused by experiments for the research,
Link for you guys for a HIV documentary by Channel 4, covers all the facts and evidence