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RE: Virus or Poison ?

in #vaccines7 years ago

Polio renamed ?

If Big Pharma claims, that all vaccines are safe, then why do they want to be free from any and all liability for injuries created by their products? And for drug companies to seek such a law is a complete scam and renaming diseases because the vaccines aren’t working is blatant fraud."
"Health officials convinced the Chinese to rename the bulk of their POLIO cases Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS).A STUDY found that the new disorder (Chinese Paralytic Syndrome) and the GBS was REALLY POLIO. After mass vaccination in 1971, reports of polio went down but GBS increased about 10 fold…….In the WHO polio vaccine eradication in the Americas, there were 930 cases of paralytic disease—all called polio. Five years later, at the end of the campaign, roughly 2000 cases of paralytic disease occurred—but only 6 of them were called polio. The rate of paralytic disease doubled, but the disease definition changed so drastically that hardly any of it was called polio any more.”