Hello Guys..! Back again with me @nauvalmhd, this time I want to discuss how to understand "KESTREL" Attack Type : Ranged, Position : Lane, Role : Sniper, and also play the skill and the Build Item you should recommend to her hero, before I discuss more about the hero or build the Guide in the Vainglory game, You download the game first.

Kestrel, is an elite Stormguard archer who lowers the target from a distance. When building weapons, he handles quickly, breaks down and uses silently to find a better footing when the enemy gets too close. The Kestrel crystal path gives a longer stealth time, which forms an aggressive tactical game. He's best on track where he can use his tower protectors to collect gold safely.
Here's a Little Story of Kestrel's Hero :
The Stormguard waits outside of Ardan’s home for Catherine’s signal to attack...
“It really is her”

Kestrel shot a withering glare down at the swordswoman who’d whispered it from the brush below. A soldier of the Stormguard knew better than to speak after positions were taken. Still, every woman hiding outside the indistinct farmhouse that evening had stood watch over the burial of the blonde woman who now struggled to unload a goat from a battered old cart outside the farmhouse. Julia should have been a ghost.The goat pulled at its rope, crying like a child.Kestrel waited in the tangled branches of an olive tree for Catherine’s signal in the same position she’d held for hours. The feeling had gone out of her legs long before. Her bow laid out sidelong in front of her, stringed with steel. She rubbed her gloved thumb and fingerpads together, savoring the spark under her skin, but she wouldn’t use energy arrows that night. Metal shattered glass, if the bow was strung heavy enough, and the detached Stormguard unit hadn’t used magic since crossing into Gythian territory. Techies didn’t trust magic, and the last thing they needed in this land of smog and machines was attention.Poking her tongue into her cheek, she watched the queen’s sister through her scope. Mothering twins had softened Julia’s body, and there were laugh lines by her eyes, but there was no doubt. After Julia went inside, Kestrel curled her toes to get the feeling back, rolled her right shoulder, sank her thigh into a knob in the branch, fit an arrow into the nock and hooted an owl call. Catherine whistled back the command to hold.The goat bleated louder and sadder as the sun sank. Nothing stirred in the surrounding brush and trees. Inside the window, Julia argued with her husband, some nobody from the rebel tech army. The twins flashed by in their pajamas, chasing one another to their beds. The boy gave out a shout that shook the ground and the setting sun brightened, then dimmed. Mageborn, Kestrel mused in silence. No wonder the queen wanted them unharmed. She waited until the kids were tucked in, took aim at the left edge of a front window away from the bedrooms, then repeated her signal. Catherine whistled again to hold.Night deepened, stars poking out that never showed above the bright light of Mont Lille. The man inside gestured with a wrench. Julia slammed a door. The goat’s shrieks twisted Kestrel’s nerves into a tight bundle. She’d hold position all night if needed, but every minute she waited was a minute something could go wrong.The man clamped a gauntlet on one arm. Animalistic hoots and whistles sounded from varied positions. Catherine’s hold command repeated again and the goat cried and something wasn’t right; they should have attacked an hour ago. “What the hell is she waiting for?” the swordswoman grumbled. Kestrel was used to lone missions, not all of this group planning. Too many other people to depend on. Too much noise. Couldn’t think.She let an arrow fly, and the goat shut up.The signals paused; someone in the brush snickered. Kestrel fit another arrow into its nock. The man paused, looked at his own reflection in the nearest window, then raced across the farmhouse to Julia.“He knows,” breathed the woman aground, bellying forward in the brush sword first.The whispers of steel unsheathing sounded all over the olive grove. Somewhere, a blue wisp of magic snapped on and off in the air. A glowing blue shield hummed to life. Hearts pounded in throats. The man inside struggled into his armor, his wife pinching her fingers on the clamps trying to help. It was “go time,” and all they needed was Catherine’s whistle.The whistle never came. Kestrel pulled back, knuckles resting on the place where her jaw met her skull, three fingers under the knock, shoulderblade pinching her spine, and on her exhale …… released.By the time the front window shattered, Kestrel had swung down from the tree. Ignoring the burning pins and needles in her legs, she ducked low and closed in on the farmhouse.Hanging from the windowsill by one hand, her bow slung over one shoulder, she glanced back at the storm of magic and steel following behind. Catherine stood behind the attack, tears in her eyes, a raven’s neck broken in her fist, another landing on her shoulder with an enraged scream.
"The Stormguard’s saga will continue"
Attributes Owned Hero Kestrel :

- Health : 647 (+124.82)
- Health Regen : (+)
- Energy : 404 (+8)
- Energy Regen : (+)
- Weapon Damage : 64 (+6)
- Attack Speed : 1 (+0.033)
- Armor : 20 (+2.73)
- Shield : 20 (+2.73)
- Attack Range : 6
- Move Speed : 3.1
Abilities of Kestrel Hero :

ADRENALINE : Heroic Perk, Whenever Kestrel lands a basic attack, she gains attack speed and reduces the cost of her abilities. This stacks up to 5 times and and wears off after a short time.

GLIMMERSHOT : Kestrel fires an arrow, landing an armor-piercing basic attack on the first target in its path. The arrow then pierces through, dealing crystal damage to the target and other enemies behind it. Kestrel can keep several arrows in reserve. After a duration without using her bow, these arrows are automatically reloaded. Reload time is decreased based on attack speed.
- Max Arrows : 4/4/4/4/4
- Basic Attack Damage : 100%/105%/110%/115%/130%
- Crystal Damage : 30/60/90/120/150 (160% Crystal Ratio)
- Splash Damage : 40/70/100/130/190 (170% Crystal Ratio)
- Dmg to Minions : 30/60/90/120/150 (30% Crystal Ratio)

ACTIVE CAMO : Kestrel instantly vanishes from sight and gains bonus move speed. Additionally, she leaves an invisible phosphor mist at her location, revealing enemies as they walk through it. If Kestrel deals damage to an enemy hero within the mist, the mist will detonate, damaging and stunning all enemies within its area.
Kestrel’s basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Active Camo. However, Active Camo cannot be triggered while Kestrel is taking damage from an enemy hero, putting it on cooldown. The length of time Active Camo is disabled is reduced by bonus weapon power.
- Stealth Duration : 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5/2 (3% Crystal Ratio)
- Speed Boost : 1/1/1/1/1 (0.2% Weapon Ratio)
- Mist Duration : 4/5/6/7/8/ (1% Crystal Ratio)
- Damage : 100/150/200/250/300 (270% Crystal Ratio)

ONE SHOT ONE KILL : After a delay, Kestrel fires a single arrow across the fold, impacting on the first enemy hero, large creature or structure in its path. When this hits an enemy hero, it reveals that hero and grants Kestrel full Adrenaline stacks. This deals reduced damage to non-heroes. The base damage dealt by this ability is weapon damage. Higher ranks of this ability gain armor piercing.
- Damage : 450/625/800 (260% Crystal Ratio) (120% Weapon Ratio)
- Armor Piercing : 10%/20%/30%
- Reveal Duration : 2/4/6
Build Guide of Hero Kestrel :
Build Item Choices Kestrel

1. Swift Shooter | Category : Weapon | Tier : 1 | Cost : 300
This item add 10% Attack Speed
2. Weapon Blade | Category : Weapon | Tier : 1 | Cost : 300
This item add 15 Weapon Power.
Tip : Weapon power increases the damage of basic attacks
3. Halcyon Potion | Category : Consumable | Tier : 1 | Cost : 25
Consume : Restore 80 health and 40 energy instantly, then 200 health & 65 energy over 25 second.
Tip : Also restores energy,And the instant heal can save your life in close battles
Build Item 10 Minuites Kestrel

1. Alternating Current | Category : Ability | Tier : 3 | Cost : 2800
This item add 60 Crystal Power and 35% Attack Speed
Passive : Every other basic attack deals 70% of your crystal power as bonus damage.
Tip : Helps you deal consistent damage after you've built enough crystal power
2. Shatterglass | Category : Ability | Tier : 3 | Cost : 3000
This item add 150 Crystal Power
Tip : Crystal power increases the strength of abilities
3. Sprint Boots | Category : Utility | Tier : 1 | Cost : 300
Passive : +0.4 move speed. (Does not stack with other boots),
Activate : Sprint for 2s (150 second cooldown)
4. Weapon Blade | Category : Weapon | Tier : 1 | Cost : 300
This item add 15 Weapon Power
Tip : Weapon power increases the damage of basic attacks
5. Energy Battery | Category : Ability | Tier : 1 | Cost : 300
This item add 200 Max Energy and 4 Energy Recharge
Tip : Energy is needed to use your abilities
Build Item 15 Minuites Kestrel

1. Travel Boots | Category : Utility | Tier : 2 | Cost : 800
This item add 100 Max Health
Passive : +0,4 move speed (Does not stack with other boots), Passive (Travel) : +1 move speed when not in combat
Activate : Sprint for 2 second (90 second cooldown)
2. Alternating Current | Category : Ability | Tier : 3 | Cost : 2800
This item add 60 Crystal Power and 35% Attack Speed
Passive : Every other basic attack deals 70% of your crystal power as bonus damage.
Tip : Helps you deal consistent damage after you've built enough crystal power
3. Shatterglass | Category : Ability | Tier : 3 | Cost : 3000
This item add 150 Crystal Power
Tip : Crystal power increases the strength of abilities
4. Heavy Steel | Category : Weapon | Tier : 2 | Cost : 1150
This item add 55 Weapon Power
Tip: Weapon power increases the damage of basic attacks
5. Chronograph | Category : Ability | Tier : 2 | Cost : 800
This item add 25% Cooldown Speed and 2.5 Energy Recharge
Tip : Cooldown speed increases the speed at which your abilities come off the timer
6. Void Battery | Category : Ability | Tier : 2 | Cost : 700
This item add 350 Max Energy and 6 Energy Recharge
Tip : Energy is needed to use your abilities
Finished Build Item Kestrel

1. Alternating Current | Category : Ability | Tier : 3 | Cost : 2800
This item add 60 Crystal Power and 35% Attack Speed
Passive : Every other basic attack deals 70% of your crystal power as bonus damage.
Tip : Helps you deal consistent damage after you've built enough crystal power
2. Alternating Current | Category : Ability | Tier : 3 | Cost : 2800
This item add 60 Crystal Power and 35% Attack Speed
Passive : Every other basic attack deals 70% of your crystal power as bonus damage.
Tip : Helps you deal consistent damage after you've built enough crystal power
3. Alternating Current | Category : Ability | Tier : 3 | Cost : 2800
This item add 60 Crystal Power and 35% Attack Speed
Passive : Every other basic attack deals 70% of your crystal power as bonus damage.
Tip : Helps you deal consistent damage after you've built enough crystal power
4. Sorrowblade | Category : Weapon | Tier : 3 | Cost : 3100
This item add 150 Weapon Power
Tip : Weapon power increases the damage of basic attacks
5. Contraption | Category : Utility | Tier : 3 | Cost : 2100
This item add 350 Max Health, 40% Cooldown Speed and 3 Energy Recharge
Activate : Target yourself to place a Scout Trap. Target the ground farther away to fire a Flare, 5 second cooldown, 3 charges max, 20s per charge.
Tip : A great way to save inventory space while still being able to control vision around the map
6. Halcyon Chargers | Category : Utility | Tier : 3 | Cost : 1700
This item add 150 Max Health, 15% Cooldown Speed, 350 Max Energy and 6 Energy Recharge
Passive : +0.5 move speed. (Does not stack with other boots), Passive : Travel
Activate : Sprint for 3 second (50 second cooldown)
Tip : Allows you to chase down enemy targets and use abilities more frequently... or to escape trouble
Skins of Kestrel Hero




So little explanation about the hero of Kestrel in Vainglory game. everything I describe is the real of the Vainglory games I play and also according to my thinking. if something does not match then I apologize. For other heroes do not forget to check my next post, and if there is an error in typing or explanation. please criticize or target in the comments field, greetings from me to Gamers and Steemian.

good job bro, ulasan game yang lengkap, cukup detil dan informatif, terus berlatih, tingkatkan terus skill bermain...bravo 🙏
Thank you bro @d4ysign
Mantap skillnya boss
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ready bro
done upvotenya ya broo ane tiap hari vote punya ente , ente vote anelah sekalikali