Love Day Is Here!!!

in #valentines7 years ago

Today is the day of love. I hope you take the time to enjoy others. Whether you are married, dating or neither of the two, just have a great day and enjoy yourself.

The school that my son attends, sent a letter home asking the parents to send in supplies to help stock the classroom. Half of the school year has past and the supplies that were given at the very beginning of the year, are almost all used up. I think this is a great idea. There are seventeen children in the classroom and if we all just pitch in a little, the class will have the needed supplies. We decided to give some paper towels, tape, index cards, erasers, pencils etc. We also, decided to get some fruit snacks and heart decorated napkins to go with their cupcakes for their mini celebration. Since it is during the holiday, my son and I decorated the supplies to look more festive. Tell me what you think.



Of course, my son was more excited about the Paw Patrol Valentine’s day cards. He did those by himself. He wrote his name on them, folded them, used the heart stickers to keep them sealed and he also added the candy to them. He was so focused and determined to get these done.


My son has been going to this public school since he was 3 years old. He has a wonderful support team and we had to make sure they received something a little bit special during the various holidays. Here are a few of the items that were created to let them know that we appreciate them on this day.



We had so much fun creating these items. Of course, my son needed some help with these pieces, so it was a team effort. Our arms were so full when walking into the school to pass out everything, but it was worth it.

Let’s all try to remember that kindness is love in action.

P.S. Everything was purchased at the dollar store except the fruit snacks and fruit. You don’t have to break the bank to show a little kindness.



You look like a great parent, nice