The moral of the story is to wait and do nothing until the hero saves the day.
So true buddy.
Once you know the truth about how our ridiculous system works it becomes comical to watch, well it would be if it wasn't so tragic.
The public have long ago given away their power to these 'false messiahs' to decide their fate.
Every 4-8 years a new one comes along promising hope & change, MAGA, whatever they know the sheeple want to hear and they believe all over again, it's sad to watch because the agenda never, ever changes.
Only we can make the change.
Great post V.
Thanks my friend, with presidential campaigns beginning 2 years in advance it really is just a long drawn out political pageant show. It's a drama series in and of itself with cast members coming and going and the generated conflicts inserted here and there by the media as they create controversy. Literally billions of dollars are spent by each side in the contest so that we can believe in the illusion that we matter in this illusion of democracy once again.
Yes, it's a farce.
Just look at France now, they have an ex Rothschild Bankster with a mommy complex and no political experience running the country. Well I doubt he's running the country that would never be allowed and besides he's a moron.
Trudeau in Canada too. Talk about a haircut waiting for a brain! They just keep rolling out these pretty boys like they did with the Criminally insane Barack Obombya and the serial liar Tony Blair.
I'm fairly confident nothing has changed in the US with the election of Trump, it may well have come out of left field for the controllers as the majority had rejected the idea of Hitlary or another retarded Bush brother.
Yes he's an outspoken billionaire that appeared to upset the applecart but he's surrounded by the same neocon psychos that surrounded the last two puppets.
And now they're laying the groundwork for Oprah! Who is she going to run against?
Jerry Springer!?
Round and round and round.............
I read Jerry Springer as Jerry Seinfield and a cold chill ran down my spine.
Hahaha, at least he's a comedian.
Better a comedian than the clowns they keep offering up for selection.
The false dichotomy of Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative, Dem/Rep, Blue/Red is killing this nation. So allow me to paraphrase Étienne de La Boétie :
“Resolve to vote no more and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you rebel against the State, but simply that you support it no longer; then you will behold it, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of its own weight and break in pieces.”
Voting validates a corrupt system of control. George Carlin said "If you vote, don't bitch" purposely turning that stupid phrase on its head.
Today's man needs peace
And what will change unless those who voice here are willing to make that change?
It is very easy it seems on steemit other forums and outside the digital world to voice all these wrongs in society and the working of. Appearance is people just like to talk about what is wrong, and try find a way to profit from it. The agenda is keep it wrong so we can make others pay to keep fixing it.
The only way to take control over the things a minority should not have control over. is to become as strong a voice as those.
If you think there might be something in that,
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